July 16, 2004

Bobby Fischer arrested in Japan. Reclusive former Chess Grandmaster Fischer, hero to chess geeks everywhere (and inspiration for a swell movie) now faces extradition to the USA.

Fischer has praised the terrorist attacks on the US, and said much about Jewish conspiracies. Is Bobby one more example of the close connection between genius and weirdness ?

  • I stole this link from the Metafilter discussion on the same topic, but it's just far too good to pass up. Bobby Fischer's Pathetic Endgame from the Atlantic. I wasn't aware of his insane anti-Jewish rants and general ridiculousness until recently. I wonder if he's truly twisted or just quite mad due to reasons that'd require medication and/or care. It's sort of sad to see him like this, especially when you consider how bizarrely good he apparently was. Funny, arguably the best chess player in one of my social circles seems quite dumb on the surface (and quite xenophobic)... but he plays a mean game a chess. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. It's just always weird when you see geniuses go mad. Like Michael Jackson. The man can sing, then man can dance. The man used to be able to pen a great tune. Now, well, I don't know. Crazy. Yes, that was a good movie, by the way. Made me want to play chess for about three days, then I figured out I was no good. Must be a math thing. Hated that math. Grr. Or maths, as the British would say.
  • The authorities should make him play chess against the top ranked Jewish player.
  • Bill Clinton: secret Jew.
  • good one!
  • Even though he had a very short career, I hear that many chess geeks consider him to be the greatest player that ever lived. They even study specific games that he played, is this true? I don't know much about chess.
  • Is the US actually planning to prosecute the guy for playing a chess match???
  • Uh yeah he's generally considered the best ever. I mean, he was the best in the world when he was 12 or something and supposedly only got better.
  • It's not just a chess match, it's the principle of obeying your minimal government in everything they forbid you to do. Perhaps this is really Fischer's opening move in a bid to smack the POTUS across the back of the head with a shovel a few times. I live in hope.
  • oh man, and if after he did he muttered "check mate"?? That'd rock.
  • I smell an action movie. Gary Oldman is Bobby Fischer, trying to kill the President and blow up, I don't know, Iceland or something. Wil Smith and Ahnold are FBI agents trying to stop him. Check Mate, coming to theaters next May. This film has not yet been rated.
  • Yes, chess players study specific games of Fischer's, but that's not unusual -- they study lots of games. (Not trying to imply Fischer was just a run of the mill champion, just noting that players studying his games, of itself, alone, does not distinguish him much from other champions.)
  • Searching for Bobby Fisher is one of the most underrated/underseen movies of all time. If you are looking for obscenities, unfettered flesh and car crashes - look elsewhere. But this is one fine movie/story. Lawrence Fishburne, Ben Kingsley, Joan Allen. Fine acting throughout.
  • The larger issue/questions involve the (alleged?) link between genius and madness. Interesting quotes about GENIUS, TALENT and CREATIVITY.
  • If you are looking for obscenities, unfettered flesh and car crashes - look elsewhere But those are all the things that make movies great! Damn you, Bobby Fisher.
  • it's part of his psychological warfare. Kasparov never had a movie made about himself.
  • From the Atlantic story: After a series of escalating demands, Fischer managed to drive up the match's prize money to $250,000 and was guaranteed a considerable slice of film or TV revenues. But even then the match hit a snag. Fischer refused to play because his favorite television program, The Jack LaLanne Show, wasn't available on Icelandic TV. Yeah, my vote's for mental illness. Very sad.
  • TS&P: WRT your not-so-bright-butvery-good chess player, its a game that's exercising specific parts of out brain, so while we might expect chess players to be smart, based on an ability to memorise a large number of patterns (the classic moves & strategies), have good patten recognition, and to be able to mentally juggle multiple "what-if" scenarios, it doesn't necessarily follow that someone who has those abilities when applied to chess is going to be smart in general.
  • Kasparov never had a movie made about himself. I think he and Deep Junior are doing the next buddy cop picture.
  • Sounds more like p0lice pr0n to me.
  • Well, yeah, if they play themselves.
  • Monkeyfilter: obscenities, unfettered flesh and car crashes
  • Yeah, my vote's for mental illness. Very sad.
    yeah, my votes for patronising arsewipe, and hey i am so ripped that i could tell just by reading one sentence which made it all so obvious. maybe he's eccentric, maybe he's mad, but dont give me your meaningless vote on the issue, unless you've had occasion to personally meet the guy. maybe the criteria for being a crazy loon is now hating americans and jews. maybe it's just so people can say "wow the line between genius and loon is such a thin one" - all sageful like. maybe he sounds crazy on the radio talk shows he gives - maybe he sounds like he's hamming it up a bit. maybe he feels betrayed by his countrymen, by the way they tried to use him. maybe all that pressure to succeed can make you feel a little wierd yourself. i wouldn't know. it doesn't necessarily follow that someone who has those abilities when applied to chess is going to be smart in general. no shit sherlock, ever played a compooter at chess? so who is your nomination for most dumbest grandmaster ever?
  • carfilhiot: <snip> Bobby, is that you! ? !
  • "Deep Junior and the Buddy Cop" sounds like a Tom of Finland sketch to me.
  • I've had the pleasure of being decimated by a 2400 level player. He just seemed like a bright Russian guy except when he got this disappointed look on his face after I made that one obviously wrong move.
  • carfiliot: Did you meet him personally? What was he like?
  • it doesn't necessarily follow that someone who has those abilities when applied to chess is going to be smart in general. But that someone might necessarily be a good general in general. Shitin' on Sherlock That's my game Then playin' Chess And Jew Bashin'
  • Some would argue that Paul Morphy was the greatest chess player. Fischer reminds me somewhat of him --Morphy was also a youthful prodigy, also American, and also showed questionable judgement in other areas of his life.
  • Wow.
  • carfilhiot, if Fischer's a friend of yours and I offended you, then I apologize. My intent wasn't to insult the man or to be condescending. I did in fact read all the articles posted, not just that one line, and many of his words and actions did not strike me as those of a sane and healthy man, which was one of the points of discussion in the thread at that point. I've known a few geniuses in my time whose genius seemed to come at some other (occasionally heavy) mental cost, and yeah, it saddened me everytime. I have quite a bit of respect for these people, and my greatest wish for them is that they could find some semblance of normalcy in their lives. I don't think there's anything condescending about that. And yeah, the way he's been treated saddens me too. If however you're not a friend of Fischer's and have nothing personal invested in him, be advised that there are better ways to counter-argue here than using phrases like "patronizing arsewipe."
  • Monkey spunk fodder! Fischer was but a Hustler.
  • Linky no worky, Wolof.
  • It's been moved to the archives, where for a small yet exquisitely formed fee ...
  • Beep