July 16, 2004

Racial harmony through pop and lock. Watch a large white boy create a dialogue through dance with several black, urban youth. Truly breathtaking. From Pop and Lock dot Com.
  • Thank you for warning us that it's a QuickTime link!
  • WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! Incredibly common and widely-used .mov file extension denotes QUICKTIME MOVIE FILE. Please do not click link unless you are equipped with Quicktime. Downloading of Quicktime may be required. You may be at risk of spending time downloading applications to better view certain files on the internet. WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! Some links on Monkeyfilter may involve text and/or images. Download time may be required. Please ensure you are wearing glasses if you require them to view small text. Graphical browsers may also be required. WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! May be illegal to view if you live in Communist China. WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! Some links may require connection to the internet. Please ensure you have a phone line or cable connection. Up-to-date browser may be required to view .html, .php, and .asp files. Browsers may or may not be bundled with your OS. WARNING WARNING WARNING!!! Milk is an excellent source of calcium! Welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay.
  • "Please ensure you have a phone line or cable connection. " I have a wireless intarweb connection. Can I still view this file of which you speak?
  • (jccalhoun-- I'm pretty sure the Pope has outlawed wireless intaaaarweb. I wouldn't be throwing that information around.) But honestly, as we so ridiculously lazy at Monkeyfilter that we cannot hover our mouse pointer over the URL and see what it is? .swf is probably flash, you know? And if you click and it's something you don't want to wait for, you just click BACK and go somewhere else. I can see that's there in the rules, but I really question the point in posting useless sarcastic babble about Quicktime as the first response to a thread. Like, hooray if you don't want to use Quicktime. Do we really have to babysit the entire community through our FFPs? Let's use a bit of common sense. And hey, "watch blah blah blah" in the description pretty much denotes a movie. Did we think I was linking to a flip book? Was I linking to a website that would create a portal that would teleport you to an actual city street where you could personally watch some guy dancing on a sidewalk? Chances are a movie of any sort will load slowly. If I was linking some .html/.whatever page that had all sorts of embedded super secret flash nonsense in it that instantly attacked you, that would be an entirely different story, but in this situation, we just have scartol being too daft to figure out how to use a web browser, and then being a snarky pop tart because three seconds of precious surfing time were compromised. And no, I'm not drunk. Oh, if only!
  • P.S. I apologize for my mean ways and hyperbole, but I think there is a tangible, important point in there. (Comment count +1, yes!)
  • sarcastic flare-ups not notwithstanding, I actually do appreciate the heads up, and I do check the url before I click. I don't recognise a lot of the extensions and my computer craps out on tons of things so clicking a possible video link means risking an irritating and time-consuming meltdown. I think it's like NSFW - best to err on over-cautious and let the risks be informed ones. It doesn't take that long to type [QT].
  • oh, and I did click and I did watch the movie. So, you know, success!
  • I think I figured it out. The Sacred and Profane is actually Howard Dean.
  • The first commenter could always snark ...fuckin' Quicktime... to warn the others.
  • J of the Shawn, I wish I could make the sounds that man can. Anyway, from now on I vow that I will be very careful, and always let people know what they are getting into. It's just in all my years of using the internet, I've never seen a community that needed so much assistance. Hmm... I've thought up a Curious George. MEANWHILE, the thread. DO YOU LIKE THE ROBOT? Honestly, let's stop killing the happy. Think of the happy.
  • Dude. It's not about being babysat. I use QuickTime, and I enjoy it very much. The reason we've agreed to post a little note is just to let people know what to expect when they click. Usually we expect a new web page to come up; if anything else starts to happen, it's unusual and the user deserves to know about it, yes? For instance, some of us have programs that will start automatically when we click a PDF or RM link. For those of us with somewhat older machines, this might mean that -- if we thought maybe we would quickly check out an odd story on a website -- we now have to wait for the program to load, wait for the content to load, and then quit out again (which, on some older machines, can take a while). It's just a matter of courtesy. Sorry that it "killed the happy," but it does matter to some of us.
  • It sort of baffles me that you wouldn't check the URL of any link before you clicked it. Regardless, I apologize if I may have inadvertently froze various computers across the globe. I wasn't aware this sort of thing was such an issue for people. Maybe I'm just more laid back. I guess that's why I didn't even think twice about posting up extra warnings for the click-happy. So, once again, sorry if I caused any sort of issue with your machine. In the future, people will know exactly what to find in all of my links. It's like a learning experience.
  • Hey guys, isn't it cool how that guy does the robot? I thought it was pretty neat.
  • P.S. I apologize for my mean ways and hyperbole... No, please don't. You're making me look good. Now shutup.
  • Did we think I was linking to a flip book? Do they make flip book viewers for Linux?
  • No. DMCA doesn't allow it.
  • Yes the guy is really good. I totally thought he was one of those Jackass, let's make fun of people type things when they showed him, but it was pretty cool.
  • you sick . . ahh nevermind. Okay, Point taken. And now, on with our show! When I was a wee lad, the local tv station had a 'news magazine' which unfortunately ran daily just before the evening news. I say unfortunately daily because they had to fill it with content everyday - with predictable quality. Anyhoo - one day they came to our school to film the choir (that's me 4th row, third one in) as we sang some righteous Mozart . . mass in C minor? Anyway, we were all excited and it was indeed fun to be on tv. But we were amused / horrified to find that the story that followed ours was about local kids who were going to teach the viewers how to pop & lock. They got more airtime. And they had cool matching silver-metallic jumpsuits. *snif* . . Meeemooriiiieeees . . .
  • a href="http://monkeyfilter.com/blahblah.mov" title="this is a Quicktime movie" >movie< /a my $0.02