July 13, 2004
Pulp Fiction Bad Mother Fu**er Wallets and other Pulp Fiction/Tarantino memorabilia
Pulp Fiction Bad Mother Fu**er Wallets and other Pulp Fiction/Tarantino memorabilia eg the Kill Bill Pussy Wagon keyring/keychain.
Pretty much a double post. Sorry.
Hey, don't fuck with another man's post...
Check out the big brain on dng!
Why can't you two just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the double post?
The Model 8T2 Double-Tape Post has a Patent Pending. please also note, 7-foot maximum recommended post spacing.
Double Post
Now describe to me what Monkeybashi looks like!
Heh. I often enjoy double posts, but not when a search of the keyest keywords that ever keyed ("Bad mother fucker" in this case) would turn up the original post.
Maybe this was just spam.
This is going to turn into another one of those long, pointless threads that we all love, isn't it?
I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.
Some help into turning it into one of those threads.
Cue the music.
cue uma thurman
MonkeyFilter ain't no country I know! Do they speak English in MonkeyFilter?! Couldn't resist, best scene ever, etc.
I just got outbid on an auction for a vintage kangaroo caddy (where Butch leaves his father's watch). P.S., don't pay what that site is asking for, if you want a kangaroo caddy. you can get them for $10-25 on ebay. I like saying 'kangaroo caddy.'
If I had a monkey, I would wear a t-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it.
If I had a monkey, I would wear a t-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it. hahahaha! We have a winner!!!!