July 12, 2004

Fuck the Vote! (NSFW)
I, the undersigned, pledge my vote for anyone but George W. Bush on November 2, 2004 in return for getting laid or at least getting some play.
  • Would it be wrong of me to switch my affiliation to Republican in order to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity for getting laid, or at least some play?
  • Hey, it's electoral prostitution.
  • Vote for Bush and you'll all be fucked. I really am most awfully sorry - don't know what came over me...
  • What election?
  • vote and get laid? Whot a Caountry!
  • This campaign -- like Fuck For Forest -- strike me as silly at best, and counterproductive at worst. They rest on the absurd notion that if you can catch young peoples' attention long enough with base and juvenile images (usually using traditions of female sexual objectification), they will somehow become involved in serious global issues. Sure, we're all familiar with the cliched image of the high school student council candidate putting up posters saying "Sex! Now that I've got your attention..." But what makes us think this stuff actually works other than as a flash-in-the-pan way to snatch meager media attention that vanishes just as quickly? This feels like another pathetic grasp for attention by a "left" that finds itself unable to cohere or recruit -- at a time when conditions are such that such things ought to be automatic. (Yes, I am certainly on the left side of the spectrum.)
  • Hey, it's electoral prostitution. Potato, Potahtoe.
  • scartol, I actually disagree. Silly, yes, absolutely. There is something trite about appealing to base nature when it comes to something like chosing the president, especially when presented as a bribe. But maybe, on some level, people presented with this choice will have to ask themselves how closely they hold their vote, and why they are going to use it and how. The attention garnered with the tactic will be flash-in-the-pan, but it might leave some residue, some (just one) person who might actually engage with the process. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I don't care *why* you vote, as long as you do. Once you start, you're more likely to continue, and that will pull you further into actually caring about the process. So if you only vote because that promise allowed you to get some off with some hot liberal, or because Edwards is cuter than Cheney, or because you're still mad at Clinton or Nixon or Woodrow Wilson -- whatever, at least you're there, which is an improvement.
  • Damn it! I sold my vote too soon.
  • All I got was this lousy t-shirt.
  • This should be easy. I've heard that Republicans actually prefer to date Democrats. They'll eventually marry their own, but need to have some fun first. (ducks and runs)
  • Hey - I think it's great! Why can't politics be sexy? Why must it always be dour? Look at Love in War. This just highlights the up-tightness of ultra neocons - makes liberals feel good - and people who feel good vote. Honestly though, I'm for anything that makes people (especially young people) vote, liberal, conservative, or whatever.
  • Re Zed's comment: Last summer I visited a friend on the "red neck Rivera" which are the party beaches near the border of Florida and Alabama. I met a hard core republican gal friend of his and we..., shall we say, had some bipartisan dialogue. She later told my buddy that she prefers dating democrats as they are sexually more free and tend to pay attention to the woman having an orgasm.
  • I've heard that Republicans actually prefer to date Democrats. Here's a Demo who claims that the complementary relation also applies. In DC, anyway.
  • I got an anonymous handjob four years ago for voting for Nader. I mean, I didn't mention that in the transaction. Okay that was your run of the mill anonymous handjob, I admit it. But I was thinking of Ralph the whole time.
  • Lie back and think of Cheney...