July 11, 2004

Barney 4 Life (Audio NSFW, Video NSFA)
'Pac's "Hit 'Em Up" synched with your favorite purple dinosaur. As Ultragrrrl sez: "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER". Hip hop heads may appreciate this more than others. I was floored.
  • That is the longest contiguous time frame that I have ever managed to watch Barney without gnashing my teeth and tearing my hair. I think it's amazing, and you can shake a stick at what I don't know about hip hop.
  • I forkscLOVEtofu it!
  • Hehehe. Cool.
  • That was quite cool. Or in the lingua franca of the ghetto, mad props, forks.
  • Being that Lyons Partnership is a bunch of litigious bastards I wager 2 weeks until this video is yanked.
  • Less than that. The server, she is hosed.
  • forks - nice find. made me giggle. (once found a small plastic barney figure. it was wearing a raincoat, like the pervert it is. i held a zippo to it until the face melted off. it charred, got all crispy, then upon cooling the charred portion shrunk, cracking like dry mud to reveal still-purple plastic underneath, with an eerie similarity to the 3rd degree burns you see from the special effects folks in movies and TV. it was sort of creepy, yet it adorned my TV for years. got a lot of favorable comments out of that.)
  • Ha! My husband almost peed his pants laughing so hard at this!