July 10, 2004
Hehe. Great memories.
When going cross-country drives from Texas to New York we bring along my Yaesu VR-120 receiver and tune it to the CB bands to listen in. The truckers never fail to entertain or give an accurate report on where the cops are hiding. In some ways it's better than a tired CD collection or a plethora of Clear Channel stations.
I'm about to put the hammer down. /rubber duck
10-4 good buddy Used to drive 40 miles of Interstate to school 5 days a week with ears on. Left early in the morning and didn't get on the road till ten-ten thirty at night. My handle was Pony Gal--the flirting was absolutely shameless and the jokes rolled on and on. On occasion, I would be offered breakfast at the truck stop midway between here and Boise. I'm here to tell you the truckers that bought me my biscuits and gravy were the Knights of the Road. Not one of them ever seriously hit on me, and all of them were polite, witty, and concerned that I make it to my destination in one piece and without a ticket. I rather miss my old junker and the CB. and my youth
Ah, the 70's, as a kid and a teen, I was a CB junkie. My handle given to me by my Dad was Cricket. When I turned 14, I changed it to Speedy. Fond memories of the conversations I had with all the other CBer's, still live on. Thanks for the post.
Hello, this is Gorgeous. Anybody out there read me?...10-4 old buddies. Destroy. Kill all hippies.
BlueHorse - I think you've done everything. You're my idol.
interesting... that sites made by feel good anyway, which does the calendars for the walker art center, using matthew carter's way-cool specially commissioned typeface (second one down) kind of a non sequitur but