July 09, 2004
I scream, you scream, we all scream for lasagna ice cream! No, wait, make that asparagus ice cream. Yes, now you can "change the way you eat ice cream forever," with your spaghetti ice cream maker!
Maybe I could get my kid to eat vegetables by starting with 100 percent ice cream versions, then moving to a 90%-ice-cream/10%-veggie mix, and so on until he's eating real asparagus without realizing it.
Utilizing the latest Play-Do and garlic-press technology. With ice cream. Not suitable for use with poop.
i was worried from the post that it would be lasanga flavored ice cream, and am glad it is not. i had a dream once in which a friend had jars and jars of different ice creams with repulsive flavors. like meat ice cream. it tastes like raw meat. mmmmmm mmm good.
I was expecting some sort of squid-ink-ice-cream-from-Iron-Chef scary stuff, but this is kind of cute. Not that I'd buy anything for it, but... hey, shiny object!
There is a restaurant in Toulouse, unfortunately I don't remember the name (it was 10 years ago) & a quick google revealed that most french websites are....IN FRENCH!!! they serve pasta, only pasta, all kindsa pasta. its very yummy but the best part is dessert cause all the desserts are sweet confections designs as pasta dishes. two I remember particularly are the lemon lasagne and the chocolate ravioli....oh boy it was good!!
umm... WTF? seriously. why does this product exist? give me one good, solid reason why any sane person would buy something this silly.
George Carlin said, "If you nail two things together that have never been nailed together before, some schmuck will buy it from you." Don't know what made me think of that. Or of this.
I like the fact that the commercial mentions that this device will make eating ice cream more fun. Thank heavens! At long last, a way to make the kids eat their ice cream! That said, there is a restaurant here in London that serves pasta-shaped ice cream, and I always thought it looked cool. If I had kids, I probably would get this ice-cream-pasta gizmo, and become the coolest dad ever.
Oh sweet jesus ulotrichous that's beautiful!
::shakes her head sadly::
I can see it in a resturant, but YOWZA that's bizzare. RE ulotrichous's link: Na na na na na na na na, Na na na na na na na na, BAT TURD! BAT TURD!
There is a restaurant in Toulouse ...
Dreaming of ice cream