July 08, 2004
Black people hate my glasses
-End credits NSFW (via Memepool)
Two thumbs up! Cheers.
White people hate my contacts.
Yellow people hate my laser eye surgery.
Most people hate my unaided 20/15 vision.
"Most people" or just red people?
Mulattos just love me, including my glasses.
I hate that guy, but I am completely indifferent about his glasses.
Cannibals love my tasty bits.
Grandmothers hate my mugs.
Spock ate my balls.
That guy probably falls into the categories of like eleven anal cunt songs.
Clothed people ph33r my X-Ray Vision Glasses.
I really rather liked that.
Brown people loathe my night-vision goggles.
Chartruse people are slightly perturbed by my swim goggles. ActuallySettle, bananas for working anal cunt into the thread! )))
Peerage of the Mauve Decade despise my pince-nez.
Cyclopses dig my monocle.
Nymphomaniacs could care less about my urethra??
Wow, I thought that you were just being scatological Actuallysettle, but a quick google search revealed this. Guess I'm just not hip anymore...
Stupid dirty girls hate my glasses.