July 05, 2004

Knit your own edible panties! And other interesting definitely-not-grannystyle craft patterns in Sex and the Knitty.
  • I must admit to being a fan of both this site, and not-your-grandma's-knitting generally. On this particular topic: these laces also come in black, if that's more your colour and the matching bra is equally a cinch: essentially, knit 2 more of the main triangles with a slightly slower taper (to suit, obviously), casting off for each, then link together with enough lace to tie around back. Also, I don't think the cheap wooden chopsticks are really necessary - plastic are easy to clean and rounded needles are easier to work with. For pret-a-porter (e.g. away from home), keep it in a zip-loc until needed. Clearly, enough out of me on this topic. (I can also knit chain-mail, but that surprisingly is much less in demand)
  • I'd like some chain-mail clothes to wear while walking the streets of L.A.... (personal protection AND weight-lifting exercise, all in one!)
  • while it has been awhile since I've walked the streets of LA, I'm willing to go out on a limb and guess that you'd not be the only one in chain-mail. Though, it would depend on the neighbourhood I guess. (also, perhaps my products should more realistically be referred to as "light copper wiring or similar"-mail - nothing that would turn anything sharper than a butter knife)
  • How did you come to know how to make chain-mail? Just curious, it sounds very interesting.
  • I don't know what it is about girls and knitwear, but I am seriously into it. I may have a problem here. *Garrrgle*
  • I learned to knit with wire when I made napkin rings with beads for a friend's party, then swizzle sticks for another party which used a higher gauge wire. Then, for another friend (I do have some very demanding friends), I made a very heavy gauge 3-tone halter top-type thing, sorta making it up as I went along. This lead to making a bikini-type set that has little spankles hanging, which looks (while immobile) like chain-mail. Why? It's fun, mostly. Also, impressive gifts on the cheap. I do also do more sedate things like purses/blankets/hats. Daniel - the first 4 times I read that as "seriously not into it". However, you are now forgiven. What problem exactly - are you into the girls with knitwear, or into the knitwear yourself and resent the girlish monopoly?
  • Or are you into girls in knitwear and can't find one willing to wear if for you? That's a problem I can relate to.
  • I have a memory, but I'm not sure from where, of a girl in a knit bikini. I ♥ the girls that can turn bits of string into sexy pieces of things. It fits a profile for me. If you ever need to incapacitate me, just find a sexy librarian to knit at me.
  • If my wife ever deserves to kill me, I hope she uses arsenic-laced laced panties.
  • I'm an avid knitter and, since reading on a vehicle makes me carsick, I knit while TTC'ing around Toronto. I'm now picturing myself knitting these on the subway. Hey, people already stare at me - I guess the continuous motion attracts the eye, they're bored, and it's something to look at.
  • Hey, I'm actually liking some of these! These for instance I think I might be able to pull off with the right outfit.
  • Thats super awesome. Hand knitted edible panties. It suggests spraying them in vegtable oil and then wrapping them to increase durability; i'm not sure if that would be the most comfortable feeling down there...just a thought...
  • It suggests spraying them in vegtable oil and then wrapping them to increase durability; i'm not sure if that would be the most comfortable feeling down there Nor would it make them more edible. Ugh!
  • Maybe freezing them will also make them last longer.
  • Not to be crude... but does anyone else find the idea of the TASTE of candy and woman... to be unappetizing, in practice? I've tried the whole whip cream thing too. I mean, warm dairy + woman, that's just not a pleasant combination for me. Applesauce was kind of interesting, but not especially sexy. I think I prefer it without condiments.
  • *Trying. To. Restrain. Typing. Fingers Sorry, can't do it. Monkeyfilter: I think I prefer it without condiments.
  • in practice The fantasy doesn't do it for me, either. Neither hair nor bodily secretions are appealing on candy. And I can't help but think that hair would be pulled in the course of getting the damned candy out of the way. "Accidentally" spilled champagne sure works, though.