July 05, 2004

Flash Fiction Each story, whether traditional or experimental, proves that a tale told quickly offers pleasure long past its telling. This is serious fiction that's fun to read.

Here's an example: Long version: The freezing, icy wind which was blowing from the North made John's face feel cold. (15 words) Flash version: Icy wind bit into John's face. (6 words)

  • If anyone's interested in having a go, the Guardian is staging a competition, judged by Dave Eggers (whoever he is). Closing date 23. July.
  • Author of A ballsaching load of Eggering Junk , if my memory serves me correctly.
  • Author of A ballsaching load of Eggering Junk if my memory serves me correctly. Wasn't it called An Amazing Confession of my Heartrending Genius Which Amazingly Bit Me on The Ass? Dave Egg is OK. Writer? Pretentious a bit? Horror. Shock.
  • PS
  • If it weren't nonfiction, I would submit the following story: Once I dreamed that Dave Eggers married my mom. It was bewildering and a little awful. I woke up with a high fever.
  • Mom! Egg! Knobbing! Terror! Hello! No, really, hello! In a friendly way!
  • Interesting and amusing links, RXR, thanks. On the whole, think I prefer some tales to be longer in the telling -- don't want The Lord of the Rings condensed, since the author's style is over half the fun for me.