July 05, 2004

A Wordwork in Progress: Here's a sample from The Oxford English Dictionary in Limerick Form,

a site still in the early stages of creation. This project, full of wonderfully cunning, outrageous rhymes, holds many delights. via beautful stuff

  • Bees, very cool find. Another fine addition. Please take my advice, Keep 'em comin', but twice Well worth the price of admission.
  • bees is a natural for this gig. Shoo it in, waxer.
  • Excellent stuff. Could be quite a long-term project, so it's nice to see it near the start. Monkeyfilter: it isn't the blue, It's always a pleasure to view, The membership munches Bananas in bunches, And doesn't fling very much poo.
  • Bees, you are a prince/princess among monkeys.
  • Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. (I am large, I contain multitudes). --Walt Whitman
  • This this project will get finished? eternity b. hyperbolically. Perpetual or indefinite continuance; esp. ‘immortality’ of fame. This project is really quite vast And my skepticism prompts this sass Ask God, he knows Let time, she’ll show An eternity is too long to last
  • Er... That's "Think this project will get finished?" That's what I get for being negative.
  • Good question -- no doubt it depends on the sustained enthusiasm of the contributors. I certainly hope they'll carry on, freethought, I enjoy both limericks and the definitions they present.
  • I enjoy/love it as well. I just can't write happy things.
  • Here, freethought, have a glass of cock punch to lift your spirits. Strictly medicinal, hem-hem.
  • *drinks* *waits* *smiles*
  • happy adj. Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. In the 80’s I used to play Mappy The graphics were boring and sappy The music was dull The play control bull But with X-box/Game Cube/PS2/GBA/etc., now I am happy.
  • there were some agile monkeys in a word game, their finesse brought me such great shame, i just don't have the wit, and i hate to get bit, so i humbly defer to their fame.
  • Our beloved beeswacky is sweet And always posts content that's neat 'Cause of rhymes that impress I consider us blessed And will bow at the little bee's feet.
  • i think that's supposed to be the bee's knees isn't it?
  • Your pickiness makes me say "geez" The goal was not aiming to please We'll compose anyway Type what you say 'Till knuckles are broken bee's knees
  • Garnered two poems! Both are so grand I'd kiss the authors were they close at hand! Admire my six knobby knees all ye wish, A dreadful vile pun is my favorite dish! *blows kisses to all three shameless participants*
  • *Darn, didn't see yours before, freethought -- must be a server lag of some sort. Anyhow, please alter 'two' to 'three' and I'll waft ye a kiss or ten! [Bobbie Burns knew how to accomplish these things so much adroitly, I think -- still, I'm doing what a man may do, that is not a very handy man with compliments, forgive the ineptitude.]
  • i had no intent to be picky, although those nits are sooo tricky, bees' knees, feet or knuckles, all bring forth chuckles, when attached to our charming beeswacky. /find the hidden, vile pun.
  • Dammit - back to the drawing board. (or I could risk a double...think anyone'd notice....)
  • Excellent news, poly. I have joined and have submitted my first entry.
  • Very nice poly. If that was posted before, I missed it, and what a shame!!! I'm for shite at writing limericks, but I do love a good'un.
  • I have (I am somewhat ashamed to say) spent a considerable amount of time in the past week wrestling with this site (OEDILF) and its denizens. God, what a world of nutcases. I have thus far submitted four limericks. Now, don't go searching for them, you'll never find a one. Yet. Because, each limerick has to go through a strenuous vetting process during which a team of editors, who seem to take themselves very, very seriously, chime in with their criticisms, suggestions and other general bullshit. It is only after five of these editors individually approve the limerick that it the passes on to....god knows what. But it takes, as the FAQ informs, at least 7 days of final, final, double dog dare you approval before your limerick actually gets published to a site that, in itself, probably attracts extremely limited traffic, and the chance of this limerickian gem of yours being actually read by more than two people is close to nil. On the other hand, I can go to Wikipedia right now, post a dissertation on particle accelerators, and it will be published instantly. Because we all know that words defined in limerick form are much, much more important. The site's FAQ is unintentionally hilarious, and if I feel mean, I will post excerpts here. And of course I will feel mean.
  • For instance: "There is little doubt in my mind that The OEDILF will not approach any state even remotely resembling completion within the lifetimes of most if not all the OEDILFers presently working on it today. And that’s perfectly fine. The most optimistic estimates I’ve heard are around 20 years but, in all honesty, I don’t see this as likely. On the other side of the coin, with the English language being what it is, 100% completion will probably never occur. One thing is certain, however, and that is the firm and never-changing fact that corners will not be cut and shortcuts will not be taken in order to hasten The OEDILF’s completion date if, at the same time, these steps lessen the overall quality of the work. While I don’t expect to personally escort the XYZs into their place, when that day comes and my great-great-grandchildren look back at the ABC's of it all, I want them to find the work well done if not quickly done. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that what we are doing will bring smiles to the faces of people who are not yet even born. Through our writing, we are reaching out into the future, extending ourselves into a time when our bodies will no longer be functioning but our words will. This brings me a great deal of pleasure and I hope that all OEDILFers can share in this feeling. " Oh, yes. The unborn are already smiling at a definition of poo that has five lines, with three metrical feet in the first, second, and fifth lines and two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines. Those kids...
  • Wow, it's like The Cathedral and the Bazaar come to life! I hope those limerick people enjoy their temple. Their big, empty temple.