July 05, 2004

Star-Spangled Drinking Song. Did you know the melody of the US national anthem comes from an old booze tune?
  • You saw Charles Osgood behind the piano on today's "Sunday Morning", didn't you?
  • Hard to see how they would have used that melody for celebration. But, I've always loved the UC Berkely drinking song, so I will shamelessly post lyrics here: 'Twas a cold winter's evening, The guests were all leaving, O'Leary was closing the bar, When he turned and he said To the lady in red, "Get out, you can't stay where you are!" "Well, she Wept a sad tear in her bottle of beer While she thought of the cold night ahead, When a gentleman dapper Stepped out of the crapper (or "phone booth".) And these were the words that he said: "Her mother never told her The things a good girl should know. About the ways of college men And how they come and go. (Chorus, "Mostly go!. Alternative, "Take your choice.") "Now age has taken her beauty, And sin has left its sad scar, So remember your mothers and sisters, boys, And let her sleep under the bar." (Chorus: She likes it thar. Alternative, "Or in your car.")" And being especially shameless tonight, I'll give you another Cal drinking song: We're coming, we're coming with out little band. On the right side of justice, we now take our stand. We never smoke cigarettes because we all think That the people who smoke them are likely to drink. (Chorus) Away with rum, by gum , with rum, by gum, with rum, by gum. Away, away with rum by gum. That's the song of the Salvation Army. We never eat cookies because they have yeast And one little bite makes a man like a beast. Oh, can you imagine a sorrier disgrace Than a man eating cookies with Crumbs on his face? (Chorus.) There's another verse about a man drinking coffee until he becomes tight, but I can't find it in my mental filing system. But the guy with crumbs on his face always made me laugh. I'd sing them for you, but I can't carry a tune.
  • Ok, ok - Irememberd the other verse. It's about fruit cake, not coffee! We never eat fruit cake because it has yeast, And one little bite turns a man to a beast! Oh, can you imagine a sorrier sight Than a man eating fruit cake until he gets tight. (Chorus.)