July 04, 2004

Binaural Beats are pretty cool. Some people are all about them. I can't help but wonder if they could be made to be less benign. Try some here.
  • I seem to be having problems with the last link - is it me and my silly browser?
  • It's not your browser, there's no link in the HTML anchor tag.
  • Couldn't you make some of these yourself? Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) should be able to do it all. Vary the frequency of the left and right tones by 8, 4, or 1 Hertz to induce the states from the "All about them" link. Wouldn't this work?
  • I use sbagen. Binaural Beats *do* work. I've *seen* their effects firsthand when it brought back Open-Eye Visuals during the comedown of a trip :-)It's a matter of "entuning" yourself correctly.
  • Odd, but with my browser, it reads "Try some here."
  • If this actually worked the governmount would outlaw noises. THE GOVERNMENT.
  • I can't say whether it was psychosomatic, but I tried this stuff once and it DID seem to have an effect.
  • It would appear that most computer headphones do not have necessary dynamic range to reproduce the low frequencies necessary for this stuff. I could be wrong, someone please correct me if I am.
  • drivingmenuts: The carrier frequencies are generally between 50-1500Hz,well within the range of normal headphones. It's the beat frequency (diff. between the L/R carriers) that varies from 0.5-32 Hz.
  • I can't say whether it was psychosomatic It most certainly is not psychomatic. Music is physical. It is moving air. Sorry if this comes across as cranky, this is one of my pet peeves.
  • I can't speak for Wolof, but I interact with the music I prefer to enjoy on a plane higher than that of mere physicality. For instance, T-Rex. And duck noises, because I'm a duck and despite the fact that most people don't like quacking the noises I make are beautiful to me and my duck friends, quack o<
  • Another vote for sbagen. It's a bit finicky, but fun to experiment with, and the technique really works, at least for me. YMMV.
  • This site for lotsa background Interesting stuff. I remember reading about this a while back, there was a discussion about eeeevil and forbidden frequencies that could make people do bad things but darned if I can find anything about that now. On the upside, I did learn to use the phrase 'resonant entrainment of oscillating systems' I love the way that sounds.