July 03, 2004

Meqon Physics Demo (links to a .zip file). Playing with this is more fun than most games.

via rllmuk

  • I was prepared to make a skeptical comment, but after playing with it I have to almost agree. This program has the type of modeling/interaction that's badly needed in games (along with geometry modification). Games aren't going to make it to the "next level" without this kind of physics/detailed-destruction.
  • I just LOVE this. Thanks, dng!!
  • Whoever decided that the best way to demonstrate their physics engine would be to fire balls at tiny men at enormous velocities was a good, good man.
  • This is wonderful. It was a very taut, fast adventure driving that little car around until it fell off the side, when it became a sad end to the story- it just dropped into the void, never to return, the helpless driver trapped in an infinity of turning the wheel, all for nought. (sniff) Sorry, I just get so emotional about physics demos.
  • What I love most about this demo is that it comes with easy to use source code. W00t!!!
  • one of those character demos was a tasty zombie-like game waiting to be completed. sweet.