June 30, 2004
Lego Pron
I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. Maybe it's so old no one has bothered, but I just found it.
"i am hungry for pizza!! and also for making out!!"
I'm fine with lego sex, but not when it involves minors. And, for the love of plastic dicks and fucking in the hip, it's spelled "pr0n."
It's probably inherent, but NSFW would still be nice.
Damn! Two well-deserved burns in as many comments! Sorry, guys, I dropped the ball. Thanks for the corrections.
Mine wasn't a burn. I really thought it was inappropriate to post a link to minors having sex. See, a joke. And don't you like my rhyme?
I didn't mean it as a burn so much as a request to the community. And seeing all the porn getting posted to the front page of late has been rough.
Oops, call me a plastic fucker, but I thought the NSFW was a joke. Then again, I don't have a job.
Yeah it wasn't a joke, just a rule of thumb kind of thing. Because lately it's gotten to the point where I don't click on anything in fear of what it might be.
Wow. I must be really dense today, freethought. I don't get the minors joke, nor can I find your rhyme. And I know they weren't meant as burns per se, but you are both right and I deserved a little heat for my inattention. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! :)
The Internet - it's gotten to the point where I don't click on anything for fear of what it might be.
I actually enjoyed the link. The implied fellatio was more convincing than the other parts though. In one picture it looks like the guy threw her into the corner. The rhyme: dicks/hip for the love of plastic dicks and fucking in the hip
I'm starting to wonder: what's got into the water in the past 48 hours..?
The effects from the urine of a few weeks ago are starting to kick in.
I'm with Kimberly. I narrowly averted having a flame war yesterday (huge test of will, that one was), and then I clicked on a perfectly innocent thread today, and got a description of something I'm still trying to scrub from my brain. freethought, I think you're right on the mark!
boo_radley just post-incremented Kimberly by 1.
Double-plus good!
I wonder if you can make a vibrator out of lego?
Wouldn't it come apart inside?
And have a lot of sharp corners.
If you have to ask yourself if "pron", followed by the phrase "i am hungry for pizza!! and also for making out!!" is safe for work, you probably should be working instead of surfing the internet. Peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies-- MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF PEANUTS!
I wonder if you can make a vibrator out of lego? You sick fuck.
I'm starting to wonder: what's got into the water in the past 48 hours..? The effects from the urine of a few weeks ago are starting to kick in. Perhaps. I thought the urine thing was just all fun and puddles at the time, but now I'm a bit ashamed for encouraging the kids to misbehave. Actually, I think things REALLY went downhill since that d*mn jack-off post and Miss Daisy_Mae. I suggest we get out the torches.
*grabs torch, searches for own bottom*
Relax, Bluehorse. it's just a phase. "Growing pains" like that other site would say.
Yeah! The torches! And pitchforks! And whips! And... leather outfits! fuck
But this link is not REALLY porn... after all, it went from coitus -> fellatio. Come on, no self-respecting pornographer would do it in that order.
Freethought, I've spent way too much time (a good part of the day, actually) trying to figure out where the minors were. Then it hit me - Miners? Maybe? Are they?
If you have to ask yourself if "pron", followed by the phrase "i am hungry for pizza!! and also for making out!!" is safe for work, you probably should be working instead of surfing the internet. It's not that it's not obvious, it's that it's a good rule of thumb for all posts that contain questionnable materials. And all this poo/lesbian poo/pee/daisy_mae crap has left me a little jumpy. :)
Nothing's been the same since the release of that atrocity known as Mike Gibbleston's "The Crashin' of Jesus Goodfoot". Man what a violent flaming bag of pee-double-oh.
And that ghastly CGI cristoppoppapopatamus. Oscar shoe-in, my aunt fanny.
I think this is good, borderline NSFW, but put up for its comedic value. Like those photos of fully-clothed porn. It's just surreal to me.
I understand where Kimberly, BlueHorse, and thier constiutents are coming from. MoFi has been a bit dirty lately, and not all of it has been the fun kind of dirty. I'm with BlueHorse in blaming daisy_mae. Because problems are much easier to solve when we can simply lynch someone. Rather than burning her outright, we should just chain her up in the basement so we can beat her whenever something goes wrong. Or when we just get bored. Monkeyfiler: good, borderline NSFW, but put up for its comedic value.
Freethought, I've spent way too much time (a good part of the day, actually) trying to figure out where the minors were. Ha! Sorry about that. The joke was to simply bring up idea that you could even tell if lego people were minors.
Monkeyfilter: Because problems are much easier to solve when we can simply lynch someone.
Is anybody saving these taglines? Tagline page: Comedy Gold.
TTNoelle: I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was confused. Of course, freethought's joke was so good,it was over our (read: my) heads. Kudos to you. Seriously, someone should start a Tagline thread. Anyone want to dedicate the time to going back through old threads and posting the good taglines?
We already have one thanks to Kimberly who did a good job collecting them so far.
Wow. I had not idea that Kimberly rocks my world quite so hard. Ask, and ye shall retroactively recieve!