June 30, 2004

Bathhouses. More than you ever wanted to know about this oft unspoken side of the gay scene, from more than one side. Or maybe it's just more spoken about than I ever knew.
  • Bat houses. More than you ever wanted to know about this oft unspoken side of the nocturnal scene, from more than one side. Or maybe it's just more spoken about than I ever knew. Sorry. I don't know why I just did that.
  • Unspoken? In North America? I defy anyone to find *one* issue of any major gay publication here that doesn't mention the bathhouse scene. If the gay community wanted to hide this dirty little secret from the mainstream society, we wouldn't be so dumb as to show it on Queer As Folk Every AIDS-prevention program worth its salt has volunteers handing out condoms in front of the bathhouses. People are aware of the issues. On the other hand, many battles for gay rights begin with police raids on bathhouses - quite a few people are rather touchy about criticism thereof.
  • I don't really think one thing or the other about bathhouses. What I find disturbing is that this is *another* post featuring a gay man who is horribly conflicted about his sexuality and thinks he can "cure" himself through religion. Ouch.
  • Bats are really cool. Yeah, Wolof. It's sad. Sad and icky, both. I don't care what they do, as long as they don't do it in the street and frighten the horses. That said, I really like bats. Good post, Mecurious Monkey! Hope enough of our fellow simians get inside.
  • We've already had this. Here. I think the Monkeys have to start working harder at finding decent links for this place, it's really starting to go downhill. People are just phoning the shit in.
  • *hands Nostrildamus some cocaine & hookers*
  • pete_best, I hope you brought enough for the whole class! It has long been my opinon that true success is doing lines of coke off a hooker's ass. Some of us can only dream...
  • "opinion"
  • People are just phoning the shit in. Especially those bastards on dial-up!
  • I think the Monkeys have to start working harder at finding decent links for this place, it's really starting to go downhill. I try, I'm just not that good at it...
  • And of course rotten has their own spin. [NSFW]