June 30, 2004

Why Gore Lost In 2000 The Wall Street Journal comes up with their bizarro theory as to why Bush beat Gore in 2000. Potential Gore voters could not vote for the candidate because they were aborted when they were fetuses. Nevermind that Gore won the popular vote.

There were 105,405,100 votes cast for president in the 2000 general election, representing 51.2% of the Voting Age Population. The Missing Voters would have been 6,033,097 based on that portion of the 51.2% represented by (at their lower voting level) 18-24 year olds. This means that Missing Voters would have been 4.48% of all actual voters in 2000. Given the extremely close result in 2000, these voters could have been a crucial factor in the outcome. This is borne out when viewed by political party as defined in the Wirthlin survey.
  • Sorry for posting twice in the same day, but this was so weird that I had to post it.
  • Do Democrats realize that millions of Missing Voters--due to the abortion policies they advocate--gave George W. Bush the margin of victory in 2000? The real question is, now that the Democrats are potentially informed of this analysis, are they going to change their collective mind about abortion? The answer is yes. Then again, using the "logic" of the study, we can just assume anyone who's aborted would have voted Democrat, so why not just count their votes anyway?
  • 51.2% of the voting age population. I'm ashamed to call this a democracy. Wonder how many votes the Democrats would have amassed if they would have calculated the votes of the potential children of the soldiers who died in the Vietnam War? Assuming 2.5 children and a white-picket fence. Even more for WWII. EVEN more for WWI. What about the votes of the those who could have been saved by penicillin pre-1928? (including their children) Oh, I know... How many suicides were there between 1948-2000? WTF WSJ?
  • Actually the WSJ has been writing about this for quite some time.
  • And what if those fetuses could go back in time and meet their own parents before they were conceived, huh? What then?
  • Then, Skynet becomes self-aware and declares war on mankind, forcing John Connor to send a Terminator to 2004 and kill Dubya on the day before election day.
  • But he's stopped by Neo, who uses his messiah-like powers to reverse the Matrix back to 2004 and proceeds to stop the Terminator just by thinking it. Darth Vader and Magneto surrender.
  • Because, of course, people who vote Republican never have abortions. *snicker*
  • Skynet becomes self-aware Done!
  • It's like Lysenkoism in action. On Wall Street!
  • It's wierd how Republicans refuse to get over Bill Clinton. They're still fighting battles from the last century. I think they're bound and determined to try and destroy him, just so they can say "See? We told ya so!" Sad, really. They're not conservative anymore, just bitter. And Cheney destroyed any sense of respectability they might have pretended to with just three words.
  • It's clear what the solution is. Drop the voting age to minus nine months.
  • Perhaps making it difficult for the poor to obtain quality health coverage is really a way for the Republicans to limit the Democrats' pool of voters.
  • This officially qualifies as the dumbest fucking opinion piece in a professional paper I have ever read. I'd like to point out that whoever wrote this likely went to college, because I think it bears pointing out. It kills me. It burns my eyes.
  • Okay, everybody who voted for the same President as your parents did, raise your hands ... nice and high people, let's see those hands ...
  • Fetus Suffrage Now!! *power salute*
  • The Democrats won the popular vote in the last three elections. Social trends such as women's rights, civil unions, and the environment are turning in the left's favor. That means these fetuses were (gasp) Republicans!
  • *raises hand* I really thought Gore would be the better president. So did all the other family members. Not that it matters. Stupid Idaho.