June 28, 2004

Google : A proposal to help fight deceptive Internet software Google attempts to draft some rules for those things they describe as deceptive softwar, but the rest of us call spyware. Is this a case of the kettle calling the pot black?

Personally, I don't think so. I use the Google toolbar all the time. What's everyone else think?

  • I don't think it's really spyware. Sure, it does some things that are marginal (updating, cookies etc.) but at least the thing doesn't install without your express actions... Saying that though, I still don't have it installed.
  • Well, since when you install it you have the option of turning off those advanced features, and if you do leave them turned on, when you click on the user licence it pops up ANOTHER window that says something like "Wait! This isn't the usuall yadda yadda!!" (and I think it actually does say "yadda yadda") I would think that they are trying to do a pretty good job of telling users what they are doing. Now, of course, if you use firefox, google search is built right in...
  • google watch is for chumps and suckers, lloyder. Linking to them is like linking to shame.
  • Google seems to be on an image-improvement campaign lately. Maybe because of the gmail criticisms? Anyway, they're also going to release some of their code. (via /. -- bottom link lets you skip registration)
  • Wait. Someone is criticizing Gmail? That so totally sucks. Actually, I use MyIE2, a browser add-on that allows single or multiple search engine useageism. plus no popups. and tabbed brousing. and groups. and translations. but that's beside the point. Before I got 'hep' and graduated to Gmail and MyIE2, I used the Google toolbar and loved it. I would use it even if it turns out Google is a front for the Dark Lord, because it's the best thing to come along since hypertext. Besides, my web habits are boring, demographically speaking.