June 28, 2004

The Best Link Ever
I've contributed well over a hundred links here at MoFi; some great, some not so great. I can say without hyperbole that this is definitely the cremedelacreme.

Zelda Classic is a simple and free download emu that contains the original Legend of Zelda for play. As if that weren't cause enough for celebration, it also comes with a level editor to create your own Zelda adventures. Hundreds of these mods are available via the website. Screw Splinter Cell. I'm playing 2-D old school Zelda for the rest of my life.

  • You are on a roll forksclovetofu!
  • I love Zeldaclassic. The lack of a mac version however, is an utter travesty.
  • This is diesel. I do have a slight problem, though -- the game window won't stay open. It minimizes itself at the slightest move of the mouse or if I press any keys. Has anyone else had this problem? I didn't see anything about it in the FAQ. I did get a chance to mess with the map editor...damn!!! Now I can't stop thinking about making custom quests. Much thanks for the link.
  • A golden banana wreath to you, honoured centinexatarian. (It's supposed to mean 'hundred-linker' but I'm in big trouble as soon as someone who actually knows some Latin turns up...)
  • centucatenarian?
  • forks, you bastard, how am i supposed to get my thesis finished if you keep posting stuff like this? oh, hell. anyway as the old nintinedo still works, i could just play on that, but what with the poke-it, jiggle-up'n'down, hit-reset'n'pray, blow-in-the-cartridge'n'try-again dance that so many of us old-school nintendo fans are familiar with, the damn zelda game seems to overwrite the first (and sometimes second) saved game for no reason. so maybe the emulator is the way to go... seriously, thanks for the link forks. this is good.
  • Mac? Why settle for just Zelda? RockNES!
  • Best post ever, indeed. I thank you, my wife will want to kill you. Big ups.
  • Oh my god. You just made my day. So much for the 100+ phone calls I needed to make today!
  • Ooh Zelda! Well there goes my day...(and i swore to myself that this week i'd make an effort to get just a little work done...and now this!) Fork...i love you!!!
  • Meh! I'm second generation. Me in love with Zelda, a link to the past.
  • Oh, stupid me. hehehe. SHould read links before posting.
  • No, me wrong again. Should read links more carefully before posting.
  • Forksclovetofu, thanks for the link. Just today as I was cleaning out boxes of stored stuff, I found my old Nintendo and my favorite game Zelda. I was bumming because the Nintendo doesn't work right. The poke-it, jiggle-up'n'down, hit-reset'n'pray, blow-in-the-cartridge'n'try-again dance, just as caution live frogs described was what I was trying to do. Then this evening what do I find but your fantastic link, thanks again.