June 25, 2004
Here's a homemade trailor for Office Space Wars
- a homemade trailor setting Office Space in the Star Wars galaxy. It made me laugh hard. (WARNING: 30 mg file .wmv file) [via the double Boing]
You may have to open in a new window or tab to download it.
This is annoying-English-teacher nitpicking, but I'm an annoying English teacher, so it's my job.. It's trailer.
Uhh.. And all I got was a 3.6 MB preview for Farenheit 911. (Which I'm going to see in three hours.)
The original link on BoingBoing gives me the same thing. I'm going to stop posting comments now.
The link is about as unpredictable as a well-oiled judge.
Wow, almost every link I found was for Farenheit 911. This one seems to be the real McCoy.
That is completely and totally weak. Thanks for the real thing shiny :)
Where are the Dancing Fools? Where are the 'Federal Pound-me-in.." jokes? I'm a fan of Office Space, not much of SW, so I'd give it, say, 1 thumb up. A weak one.
I'm not a fan that could quote lines from either film, but I did see and enjoy SW and OS. I thought that this filmmaker did a pretty good job of integrating storylines and touchstones from each film, and he did it in a clever way. Three out of four pudding cups.
A good way to start off one's Monday. Jedis at work reminded me of the 'Office Ninja' article from The Onion but unfortunately that's not on their free site anymore.