June 25, 2004
It's Friday! Time for another Fantasy RPG comic!
via ask.metafilter via pvp
Let's make this fun; is there anyone here that could host remakes of this comic that us monkeys make?
What was the comic remix project?
DING! That's correct, boo_radley. You control the board -- make your next selection.
I'll take "things this guy has dug in his back yard" for 500, certain.
Okay, boo. "This guy appropriately dug THIS thing up just last week."
Who is "Kate Moss"?
"Oh, I'm sorry. We were looking for 'a bone.' A bone."
It's probably good that I walked in here late. I would have said "a kitten" and that's just no good, is it?
Bones = Kate Moss
Not to re-rail, but I know of one guy who really doesn't like this strip. Nuts, he had a really long rant about this guy on his page just yesterday. Nevermind... Back to you irregular scheduled programming
schandenfreude : you are correct, and you have control of the board now. basically, Kurtz == Pompous Ass.
Um...PvP is about gamers, and Spells and Whistles is satire on basic fantasy, whether gaming or books. As a non-gaming Sf&F fan, I can relate much more to the latter. That said, I had never seen this comic before, but it seems funny. I will be looking through its archives.
I can't believe I read the whole thing! Nice one, boo.
Amusing, but derivative. My favorite is still Elf Only Inn, which seems to be non-functional now.