June 22, 2004
Tunes create context like language
: "musical notes are strung together in the same patterns as words in a piece of literature". Full paper. On a related note, hone your musical comprehension by playing with Impromptu. Better yet, co-ordinate it with this MIT OpenCourse - Developing Musical Structures.
Well, I'm doing my quarterly full-on "Improvisational Monsters of Rock" gig this weekend, so I got a few structures to burn. If you're in Adelaide SA, email me and I'll tell you how to get to a heck of a party this Saturday night. (Price of entry = $0.) Rocks so. Expect anything.
Well, duh.
Context is all.
Lerdahl and Jackendoff actually applied Chomskian linguistic analysis (or something like it) to music, I believe. Actually, of course, all you need is 3 chords, in any order.
On the other hand, if music follows the structure of prose, where does that leave poetry? The metres of poetry derive directly from the pattern of marching (or dancing) to songs, etc, so it comes as no surprise to find that poetry parallels the structures of music - but all 'literary' texts? Presumably EC Directives are excluded as cacophonous.
Does this count as a Double. :-) (big smiley faces)
lloyder, nope. Two different audiences, many of whom don't read/comment in the other blog.