June 20, 2004

Any man can be a Father, but it takes a special person to be called Dad.
  • In that case, there are too many fathers and not enough dads.
  • It's more like: any male can spawn, but not many truly become dads... or fathers.
  • When I was eight or so, I gave my dad a mug emblazoned with that phrase and a picture of a little girl holding her father's hand. Two years later he packed all his shit in the van and I never heard from him again. I think he took the mug with him. If he didn't, then my mom went out back and smashed it with a hammer. Hard to say. Happy Father's Day, guys!
  • Maybe he just went to look for the artist to have the mug autographed? I hear that can take up to a lifetime. Sorry about the joke. That's my revenge for being made to feel bad.
  • Bought dad a pork knuckle yesterday for dinner. Ate till we were sick of pork. Had a long walk to work off that lead weight in our stomachs. 'Twas a good day. To all the daddy monkeys, hope you had a Happy Father's Day :)
  • There is no greater responsibility than the one encapsulated in the trust of a child. It is my hope that I fulfill that responsibility; perhaps, even, with a bit of panache. If I deliver to the world a pair of worthy gentlemen, I'll cross the Styx with a smile.
  • *sighs, bats eyes at Fes*
  • Damn Fes, your nick should be: The_Quotable_Fes
  • I had a fantastic discussion about fatherhood with some friends on Sunday. Really opened my eyes, as that's coming in the not-too-distant future for me. Those monkeys who are parents have my deepest respect. Keep up the good work, guys. Good links, RXR. I liked the juxtaposition of "Don't Fuck the Babysitter" with all the touchy-feely ones. And I am dying to learn the tune to "I'm Being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor."
  • You can be quoted, don't you, Fes? Or do I need to pay royalties?
  • The responsible father: