June 20, 2004
Footy footy.
This is a treat, whether of not you follow the game or not -- surprised no-one's posted this update of a fav meme yet. I wanna see mexican waves of this in the crowd now.
surprised no-one's posted this update of a fav meme yet. What was the other one like. It looks the same to me.
Oh negative-woot... 10 minutes into my first FPP and it gets the yellow card. Yesterday when a Euro 2004 watching mate mentioned the footy version of badgers it was news to me at least and it seemed that i would have expected to have seen some ref to it here or on Mefi before now. Did a search for a reference and found none. Hence the post. The wishful-thinking-comedy-bonus of the thing is if you leave it looping the score just keeps going up and up.
It was previously posted here. So this isn't a double, zimf.
Yeah, you can totally be forgiven, since it was posted in comments and not on the front page. Besides, badgers never get old for me, but then I still think that "All Your Base" is funny.
I still think "Ace of Base" is funny.
anybody seen the exploding whale?
Repetition index: 9 meme sustainability potential: 3 Blind Watchmaker factor: 2 Averaged rating: 4.67/10
surprised no-one's posted this update of a fav meme yet. Oh ye of little snake!
Awesome... Scotland: Haggis and Scotch Eggs Wales: Dirt and sheep Ireland: Guinness and fighting England: Ninjas and lasers and gold.
Flipping 'eck homunculus, a june 2nd comment in the base of a dec '03 post - how am i supposed to cope w/that? Think i'm gonna go back to lurking and starting a practice of mailing you all individually in tiny, tiny text till i get the hang of this fpp malarkey. Let us know when you see any live footage of the badger mex wave eh?
Think i'm gonna go back to lurking and starting a practice of mailing you all individually in tiny, tiny text till i get the hang of this fpp malarkey. Nah, I think you did right posting it to the front page. Mine was a different URL buried in an old thread which most people probably didn't even see. Keep posting! Do it for England!
Lie back and think of England.
i wouldn't call it a repost but what's up with mofi not having posted this, like, a month ago when it came out?