June 19, 2004
Excuse me, I'd like to open a boink account.
Major European investment bank mulls the better things in life...and concludes that it's not all about money. These are the top three:
1 Don't equate happiness with money.
2 Exercise regularly.
3 Have sex.
I'll let you read the rest.
7 Give your body the sleep it needs. Amen.
I'm hoping this is a promotion for a new giveaway when you open an account.
I hear there are severe penalties for early withdrawal.
Reminds me of the annoying ads CitiBank has been running for some time, except for the sex. Wonder if Citi will up the ante? Live richly, everymonkey.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Don't equate happiness with money. Because we have all the money and you're not getting any of it. Nyah!
"Rich people aren't happy. From the day they're born to the day they die, they think they're happy, but trust me...they ain't." /Moe
Don't equate happiness with monkeys Because we have all the bananas and you're not getting any of them. na na nah boo boo!