December 12, 2003

Drunk Worms. Researchers ply "thousands of the tiny creatures with booze". Oh the humanity! Well . . I guess it is Friday.
  • they must have had teeeensy weeensy Breathalyzers.
  • boozy worms should not fly helicopters
  • How did they have them touch their noses with their fingertips?
  • like this?
  • The natural job of the gene they found is to help slow brain transmissions. Alcohol increases the gene's activity, which slows down brain activity even more. But if the gene is disabled, as it was in the mutant worms, the brain never gets the chance to slow down. It seems that wath they really found is the laziness gene... ...We, procrastinators, are doomed.
  • "Humans are a lot more complicated than the worm," said neurobiology professor Steven Treistman of the University of Massachusetts School for The Incredibly Fucking Obvious.
  • Didn't I post this already? No, wait, that was on Plastic. I present a more detailed link.
  • Another quality link, well, sort of. The salon link is down, probably within protected archives, but the other links work well. Who doesn't like drunken worms? Long live the nematodes! not to the detriment of monkeys, of course