December 12, 2003

Is your office having a Holiday luncheon? Many companies do. Sometimes there's a Santa. Each year, everybody poses for a picture and there
  • Every year my employer holds the holiday party at the local Trader Vic's, with Christmas decorations laid over the faux Polynesian decor. (I wish I had pictures, but I don't.) To add to the multi-culti weirdness of it, there's also a steel drum band playing calypso-fied Christmas Carols. With the right bunch of people, it could be sort of campy fun. But it's not.
  • My company actually did something really cool this year. They organized a holiday party at the new Disney Music Center (which is about three blocks from our building) so we could all check it out. It included snacks and champagne in the Founder's room, which I will probably never get to see again. We had the place reserved for two hours yesterday and it was really interesting to see all the ins and outs.
  • wow, kimberly, that's very cool. our company used to throw a big holiday party complete with DJ and various food stations in this really fancy hotel next door to our office (it's the Mayflower, where Nixon used to eat late-night eggs). but, alas, budget cutbacks mean a potluck in the conference room at the office. but it's still fun and festive!
  • As the lone employee at my location out of state from the home office, my party is looking around at the 30 empty cubicles on the floor I have. That's right, my own FLOOR. So everyday is a party day! but sometimes it feels very lonely...
  • /me hands Scott a bottle of Glenfiddich *pat* *pat* there there *pat* *pat* Hey do you ever get the urge to put blow-up dolls in the empty cubes and pretend you're running your own 1-900 place?
  • LOL pete! christ, scott, we gotta throw you an online monkey office party. or something like that. poor scott! so does it echo in there? there must be fun things you can do alone. NO, other than that.
  • i work in a small cuddly segment of a large arm of a GIANT terrifying international media corporation. and boy, do they throw a holiday party. from hell. they rent out a big "classy" function room or hotel here in NYC (the hilton on 53rd this year) and kick out the jams. the last one i went to i got so loaded on free top-shelf liquor and prime rib i could barely stand up. ugh. so decadent. and really, i think i'd just rather get a bonus.
  • Glenfiddich is very very good, thank you. The floor I have is in a very professional office space so I have to be fairly work-safe in everything I do. I do get to listen to my music aloud without any repercussions. An online Monkey party would be sweet, but unfortuately due to the historic nature of the building I am in, there is no available broadband. I have to use a 56k dialup, so even my online capapilities are hindered. Oh well. At least I HAVE a job. In this town, that's a good sign.
  • Well looks like I spoke too soon. Two other people who work in the building just walked through and were discussing moving their desks to my floor, including their customers (10-15 a day) that would come see them. There goes my peace and quiet.
  • My office is having a party at the local hotel, complete with DJ and dance floor. Menu includes filet and lobster. Apparently last year's open bar (which I was not here for) raised "issues" and there will be a limit this year. Dang it. Scott, I think you should decorate those empty cubicles like people work there. Pictures, plants, stuffed animals, calendars, posters, etc. Make up fake employees to talk about when the company starts hiring again. You can glare at the newbies and say things like, "You're sitting at Evelyn's desk. She made me a pie every Friday."
  • I work for an internet company that is a sister company to an insurance co. Our parties bite. Last year we had about 120 people at the holiday party and a good portion of those in attendance weren't drinking - and yet the bar tab was over $5k. This year it's a two drink max. I'm not sure if it was the 'abuse' of the open bar or the fact that one of the VPs and a director got together to swap spit at the dinner table. ew.
  • My workplace has suspended all beatings until after the new year, and we'll get extra gruel on Christmas morning!
  • That's it, Mickey, I'm hiring a building so I can do that. Then I'll be my very own historic crazy dude. (I don't have an office, or a job, so my Christmas party will consist of watching my son attempt to get a spoonful of yoghurt into his eye. Mighty fun!)
  • Tonight is my wifes Christmas party. We're at T-minus 4 hours until I attempt to drink myself unbored. It won't happen, but damnit, I'm not a quitter.
  • Never give up, never surrender!
  • dirtdirt, i work in a building directly across from the hilton on 53rd & 7th! However, the hotel is just too rich for our non-profit blood, so our holiday party was at a small restaurant in Chelsea. which kinda sucked.
  • Ah, here's a thread to re-visit. I too, am bereft of office, but will be able to attend at least one holiday pitluck type of event at a place where I'm doing contract work. It's mainly good because I'll get free food. Freelancers are very much like grad students in this respect.