June 13, 2004

Is Robert Smith still the same? Or has he changed? Find out in this thrilling interview! See the messy-haired one speak of Corganesque control-freakiness, eye-glasses, and much more! Yes, I figured it was time to start up some hype for the Cure's new album, which drops on June 22 and was produced by some nu-metal tart named Ross Robinson.

Really, that first link has some interesting bits of information. Maybe a Slipknot/Bizkit producer can teach mopey goth-Brits a thing or two. So start talking, my precious lovemonkeys. (HAHA GETIT?!)

  • Bizkit? The second the Cure "does it for the nookie", I'm outta here.
  • The day he happily started chanting 'It's friday and I'm in love', I understood he had matured, and I had not. That's when he stopped being the lipsticked hair mess to me.
  • Linkin Park - Rap. = New Cure. It's an embrassment.
  • Damn you people and your math!
  • Ross Robinson produced Relationship of Command, which is just about enough to resolve him of all past sins.
  • Yea, but it's not enough to absolve Robert Smith of his turd of a new record.
  • Have we heard the new Cure record yet? I mean, I haven't. There was that one tune that Smith did on late night TV, which Pitchfork negatively compared to a baby being born inside a satellite crash-landed on Mars (or whatever the fuck ridiculous prose they were scrawling at the time). I'm not passing judgement until I hear the record. And from reading that article (WHICH I ASSUME YOU'VE ALL DONE) it sounds like Robinson brought some interesting dynamics to the group. I wonder what that'll give us. And yes, BBF, he did do some At The Drive-In, which is admirable enough, but I didn't mention because it seemed like an exception to his usual production gigs. I guess the Cure is another exception. From what I've read, though, Robinson loathes nu-metal at the moment as much as anyone with a pulse.
  • Is Robert Smith still the same? Yes: he's still a wanker.
  • I've heard a fairly large chunk of the new material, yes tSaP. It's terrible.
  • Henry Rollins once described Robert Smith as "this big clown in makeup weeping over a guitar."
  • Then again, Rollins, despite the mitigating factors of his stint with Blag Flag and his "we should rename hurricanes, "motherfucker", routine, is still a bit of a tool as well...
  • Aaah Henry Rollins. Once, a punk hero. Now, the official mascot of Details Magazine, circa 1995.
  • Rollins [...] is still a bit of a tool Wow. The generation gap yawneth. *removes false teeth*
  • Wow, new albums by Morrissey and the Cure in the same month. It's like I'm sixteen again. If anyone needs me I'll be in the bathroom applying eyeliner and ratting my hair.
  • ...Putting on my Willi Wear jumper, splashing Jacomo on my Parachute Pants and filling up the Pinto for $3USD!
  • I just woke up from retro 80s night at the bar. Non-stop Smiths and Cure. Wouldn't we all like to see a Morrissey/Robert Smith cage match to the death? If we want to talk about generation gaps, I could mention that I'd have been just learning how to tie my shoes during the mid-point of the Smiths' career. I stopped paying attention to Henry Rollins after he started mocking Bono for trying to raise money for AIDS relief. Regardless of how you feel about Bono, you can't really deny that AIDS relief is a reasonably good cause to be yammering about. Sort of soulless, that Rollins man. Man, I do love me some good off-topicness. Woooohoo~! (Too bad about the new material, Captain P. We can compare notes once I get my mittens on it.)
  • As for the generation gap, I missed the last Smiths show by a matter of months. Yes, I'm bummed. /old
  • Sort of soulless I'm confused-- you say that like it's somehow a bad thing.... No, it's just that Bono is such an ueber-tool that he personally transcends whatever his cause-du-jour might be.
  • Generation gap bridged: Robert Smith to collaborate with Ashlee Simpson on her new album. Why this is "news" on a website titled PunkNews.org is a mystery to me... Barfs #2900 in #2900
  • This can't be happening. How dare he do this to us? Just let me listen to Hot Hot Hot without having me associate it with Ashlee Simpson. God, I'm so depressed. At least I'll always have my Siouxie...
  • Siouxsie has a solo album coming out soon. Supposedly, she's been in the studio with Robert Plant's band, Strange Sensation. In the interim, she's been flaunting fake lashes for shu uemura. Now for the weather report, here's Ralph...