June 13, 2004

Onomatopoeia, gee it's good to see ya!
The dictionarians at Merriam-Webster have announced their Ten Favorite Words for 2004

1. defenestration 2. serendipity 3. onomatopoeia 4. discombobulate 5. plethora 6. callipygian 7. juxtapose 8. persnickety 9. kerfuffle 10. flibbertigibbet Also, a list of runners-up that include some of my personal faves: oxymoron, copacetic, curmudgeon, conundrum, euphemism, superfluous, and of course, Smock! Smock! Smock! Thanks to the self-proclaimed vidiot for finding this, and challenging me to use these words in a sentence: A plethora of acts of defenestration, and their shattering onomatopoeias, juxtaposed in apparent serendipity, caused a kerfuffle that totally discombobulated the persnickety, but nicely callipygian flibbertigibbets. May I suggest that all subsequent comments in this thread contain at least one of the Top 10... (as I already did at MeFi)

  • Callipygian is my new favourite word.
  • It's my old favorite word, which I use as a euphemism for "fine" (as in "Damn, woman, but you look fine tonight").
  • Oh, I see that it had to be one of the top 10. Let me try again, please. It's my old favorite word, oft used to celebrate a plethora of pulchritudinous protuberances.
  • Thanks for the effort, goetter, now I can't call you a flibbertigibbet.
  • Yeah, my attempt was pretty piss-poor. Defenestration is too good for me.
  • The juxtaposition of these words has caused much discombobulation amongst persnickety flibbertigibbets; from a plethora of options they could only choose defenestration. I won't even discuss the kerfuffle caused by the serendipity of my callipygian form!
  • i had always assumed that flibbertigibbet was a word made up by rogers and hammerstein, for the lyrics to maria from the sound of music. doh.
  • I kind of like "snarky".
  • I would love to see a more frequent use of the word "plinth".
  • Defenestration is one of the most popular forms of political protest in the Czech Republic -- over the centuries, a plethora of high-ranking officials, including priests, town councillors and Vice Regents have landed on their callipygian asses in the ditch below Hrdcany Castle. Incidentally, plethora is a word that I cannot, despite all good efforts, remember how to pronounce correctly.
  • oh, and concatenation is one of my many favourite words. it's delicious!
  • Until today, anytime I saw "callipygian" in print, I always just assumed it meant "a person from Callipygia". The only list "plethora" belongs on is "Top Ten Words Used Only by People who Overprepared for the SAT".
  • I've always been partial to flibbertigibbet, myself. However, it can be discombobulating to others when I use it in conversation.
  • Tremendous words, words so good that if they had asses, they'd be callipygian. I offer: Wombat Thwack Beaujolais Futtocks Impromptu Hurdy-Gurdy Aplomb Lollygagger Triscadecaphobia Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  • Yogibogeybox! Hierarchitectitiptitoploftical!
  • I like wombats (second picture).
  • Vairy naice.
  • Hagiography is very much en vogue these days... Ah, "callipygian". The very first time I saw that word, it was in some crappy english-translated manga. It involved ropes and stuff... *cough*
  • There goes Sweet Prince Serendip, Lo! his shoulder bears no chip! Though he carries a great curved snickersnee, With which to slice a chicken from its giblets He, though a prince, is not persnickety, Though he is suurrounded by flibbertigibbets! He is breasted like a widgeon, and necked like a swan, And his rump so callipygian is wondrous soft to sit upon. In Old Serendip, the architecture's on the level, So most of the of the people seldom have a kerfuffle, Anyway, there are no enemies of state For our sweet plump prince to defenestrate. He tickles his friends both early and late, While the harem ladies discombobulate Them with glee, as they try to slither free -- For he and the court are slick with ghee! Stephen Brust tells us of Sethra Lavode, who has no plethora Of pleasantries -- and, being undead, Presumably no fleas -- Unlike our darling prince-in-grease When all at court delight to tease. The old boy does no wrong, an admiring throng Sings, "Sernedippity-doodah" As he rides along in his howdah! Now juxtapose at twilight, where the ocean breezes blow, Elephants and rajahs, who oleaginously come and go. Here at dusk his soldiers line up Out of hygenic necessity by the sea, And clean their gear before they vie Who shall be First Topi! [Yes, it's Orfal! I am gleeful.]
  • I'm afraid that MW is behind the times for a few of these, plethora was brought into the public eye in the 1986 Comedy
  • Hamhed: MW just asked people to send in their favorite words. "From the thousands of submissions we received, here are the ten words entered the most often:" said they, emphasis mine.
  • Magnometer
  • I'm still waiting for my visa to Callipygia. /mixalot's got my number BAY-BEE
  • Mellifluous.
  • Very handy quick dictionary available here.
  • I've always been partial to consanguineous.
  • Pah, I just put the dictionary into my Google toolbar. It's pretty much the only thing I use it for. Whilst I accept with serendipity the choices made, I would suggest that the word 'rimjobs' has an important part of our language which cannot be ignored.
  • I call my cat Mister Copacetic. I don't think its appropriate to use the word 'plethora' without the word 'veritable' in front of it. I'm also fond of 'fie,' as in "Fie! Fie on Sid Luft!"
  • Plethora is one of my favorites and I try to use it as often as possible. Recently though I find myself using "myriad" more, which I also like.
  • It bothers me that "twee" figures so prominently in the runners-up list. When reviewers use that word to damn something I love (and it happens nearly every time I read the music section of any publication at all), I'm overcome by the desire to smash things with a giant hammer. I'll show you twee, motherfuckers!!! Granted, I'll probably do so in a fuzzy little sweater. All you'll want to do is pinch my rosy, freckled cheeks, which will, in the end, reinforce your point. I suck that way.
  • My apologies for the smegged links in the scond part. They should've been something like this: Also, a list of daily runners-up that include some of my all-time faves: oxymoron, copacetic, curmudgeon, conundrum, euphemism, superfluous, and of course, Smock! Smock! Smock!
  • this all makes me quite igry.
  • Hmm. How are you on pollywog, wendell?
  • I think you meant polyglot, wendell.
  • For wendell's eyes only Polyglutton -- any gourmand who dines on polyglots, hence, polygluttony, the act of dining on polyglots /bad, bad beeswacky