June 12, 2004

Ray Guns II - These Ones Shoot Corks! - Monkeys love Ray Guns. Here are some (rather expensive) ones that look like they're straight out of Ming the Merciless' armory - and they shoot wine corks 100 feet!

This one's my favorite cos so ugly, followed by this as close second cos so stylish. This post is Episode II of the Monkeyfilter Raygun saga, inspired by Dizzy, who has posted some of my favorite eclectic-style content, with an eye for the visual, the arty, and the retro. /tip o' the hat & a blaring brass section to thee

  • Isn't a ray gun that shoots corks a... uh... cork gun?
  • What would a gun that fires out people called Ray be called?
  • No, it's a ray gun that shoots corks. Since a ray gun is by definition, a non-existant, entirely imaginary thing to begin with. Stay with me, here, Skrik.
  • This is good. When I was in high school I constructed a PVC pipe potato gun for a science fair project. So dangerous, but soooooooooo fun.
  • If the cork shooters are just too violent there's the Zero Blaster smoke ring gun. Bought one a couple of years ago and it works pretty well.
  • Oh yea, I'll just put a couple of these in the carry-on for the amusement of airport security.
  • I think this thread is disrespectful to the memory of Ronald Raygun.
  • (Nosty-- my deepest thanks for your kind words, dude! Will you be my Secret Santa?)
  • No. Now send me money.
  • Oh, I've just realised that my retort to the irrepressible Skrik was entirely in error. These are *not* ray guns that shoot corks, and ray guns *are* indeed factual, as these photographs clearly prove. We have all been talking about ray guns, the term conjures a specific meaning that we all collectively understand, ergo, Ray Guns are real. These are, in fact, ray guns that shoot cork-shaped rays. The rays are so cork-like in fact, that.. ohhhh I can't be bothered .... to hell with it. /doorslam
  • Nostril, really, don't you have something with a bit more firepower? When Ming the Merciless' troops attack us with their Space Rockets, I want one of these.
  • When Ming the Merciless' troops attack us with their Space Rockets, I want one of these. That's a hair-dryer by any other name.