December 12, 2003

This Man Shaped Your World. From Weinermobiles to beer labels, this Man from Milwaukee and inventor of the term "Planned Obsolescence" gave the look and feel to the American Industrial Future.
  • Without him, would we have no SUVs?
  • Weinermobile = Chick Magnet
  • Weinermobile = The Ultimate Automotive Phallic Symbol a concept taught to me thirty years ago by a sexist pig who called his red Datsun Z "the tampon-mobile"
  • Weinermobile=derail.
  • If he did, I have issues.
  • (better?)
  • Wendell, my sister had a red Datsun with extra-hard suspension. She resented the fact that I called it the Dildo. Datsuns = worse derail.
  • Hot damn. Derail or no, that Wienermobile is one mean machine. Think you can get one on eBay?
  • Now if only it was a Ballpark Frank mobile...
  • I want either a Wienermobile or a flying car, and I want one NOW!
  • I want either a Wienermobile or a flying car, and I want one NOW! The solution of course, is to have a Flying Weinermobile. I think I saw one in Sky Captain, but I can't be sure. Quite a quality link, wonder why make it Anonymous?
  • It's because Dizzy made the post ... after his flameout, his account was deleted, and all his posts and comments reverted to "anonymous". I'm not really sure why.
  • Yeah. I can't remember what thread the flameout occurred in. Maybe the thread was deleted outright. It was pretty darn bad, from memory.
  • IIRC the thread didn't reflect the flameout as such, just alluded to it. either that or I missed it. Which is highly probably since you people never tell me anything! *sullenly pouts at Koko*
  • Don't pout at me! I missed the whole thing because I wasn't paying attention! I was much less active in those days. I don't even know what the flameout was about. *pouts back at petebest*
  • Ohhhh who could stay mad at you! Who's the cutest gorilla around?! Who is it?! Who's that?! heh
  • I can't remember what thread the flameout occurred in. It included miaow. And wiz.
  • Oh yeah. Damn, wish I hadn't asked.