June 09, 2004

Oh Satan, move in our voice. Listen to some famous speech reversals and backwards masking in famous songs, such as Led Zep and John Lennon. Each mp3 includes the full verse then plays at least two reversals. Caution: may lead to devil worshipping and marijuana use.
  • I vividly remember a presentation in junior high about this - hearing Led Zepplin backwards over & over & over ... "and THERE is where he tells you to do drugs." Wow, um, sir - I've listened to it 8 times now, thanks to you. I'll just head home and hit the bong. For true weirdness,check out the section on children's reverse speech.
  • yvan eht noij
  • Mickey: It's pretty easy, if you're recording everything a kid says, to play it backwards until some of the gibberish is intelligible. You could do it just as easily with adults, and sometimes it would somehow correlate with what they were doing.
  • additionally, with many of these, it's all in the power of suggestion - if you weren't given the "right" translation of the reverse speech, you would not be able to decipher it, or might decipher different words.
  • Mickey, I also remember hearing a presentation on this stuff as a kid, but in Sunday School... because, ya know, rock and roll is a SIN! My favorite is "Another One Bites the Dust". Whenever I hear that song, I cant help but sing "It's fun to smoke Marijuana" under my breath.
  • Popeye Theme Song - Give me a fuck. Give me a fuck now Yeah, sure, it was the spinach that gave him strength. Riiiiiiiiight.
  • If you record a satanist speaking, then play it backwards, does he sing Led Zeppelin?
  • He sings Michael Bolton.
  • BBF, sort of. See, played forward we hear: Hail satan! Hail hellfire! played backwards? refund the slushee! Peter's frail Q.E.D.