December 12, 2003

Global Attention Profiles. For the world affairs and geography fans alike. A color-coded map of the world, based on news coverage.

(via I can't help but mention two more nifty sites for wasting time, Nationmaster and The Geography Quiz, both courtesy of Metafilter, of course.

  • Hear much about Mali lately? Er, played a Salif Keita record this morning. Does that count?
  • Darn it, I'm gonna derail my own thread. I saw Cesaria Evora last month, and King Sunny Ade not too long ago. Neither one of them are from Mali, however. But Cesaria Evora's from Cape Verde, which barely even registers on the Global Attention Profile maps. (Whew! Back on track!) Guess I should think about an African music post...
  • Canada & Australia 3.2%?! How come?
  • Sorry 'bout that. I felt the percentages for Canada and Australia where to great in relation to other countries.
  • Guess I should think about an African music post... This is a fun site.
  • I was shocked about that too, Zemat. Maybe all the whining is working. But why wasn't the US mapped?
  • It's also interesting to see how coverage changes for each media outlet (if you "refresh" the page, it will change to a different one.) The BBC, not surprisingly, has a rather different emphasis than CNN. I'm guessing that the US isn't mapped because most of the news outlets measured are US media, and that would skew the data too much.
  • This is quite interesting--and it appears to still be going strong two years later. Just remember to regresh your browser so you can compare the BBC with the Washington Post, for instance.