June 06, 2004
Top 10 Internet Fads
Have you killed time with ALL these yet? via WAXY o'course.
Have you killed time with ALL these yet? via WAXY o'course.
Not all, but I've laughed at an embarassingly large number of those. But what about Domokun, and the 'Domopers' Ballmer video? Those Flash animations with that creepy japanese cat, with some katakana/hiraganas for a face? The bunny with a pancake on its head? Come on, the photo of the kitty running away from fappers... I mean, from Domokuns? All the HotOrNot clones? The video of the angry office guy, banging at his keyboard, and then smashing the monitor to the floor with it? Al Gore must be rolling in his grave, when he realizes the thing he created for the advancement of humanity is mainly a joke and porn distribution system nowadays.
I know who Seanbaby is, but I've never heard of The Wave Magazine. Do people read this in the Bay Area? And Bubb Rubb's Wooowooo? I remember, like, one Fark thread about it. Was it really even a fad? The Icy Hot Stuntaz might be worth (dis)honorable mention. Sad state of affairs: 1. Do something stupid; make an ass of yourself. 2. Get lucky or... something???? 3. Try to hock your commemorative CafePress trinkets and/or get Amazon referrals from your website once the Internet community discovers your hijinks/buffoonery/novelty. 4. Profit?
badgers are conspicuously missing
I've only heard of Star Wars kid, Hamster Dance, and All Your Base. I thought I was net savvy but I haven't heard of the other seven. Wasn't the Star Wars Rap kind of a small fad?
Where's forks' hit counter?
"All Your Base" will never die, no matter how much time passes. It's like Rasputin, or Kelly Ripa.
Bubba Rubb was the funniest thing to ever hit the intarweb. Seriously.
stats counter.Be popular request, Fork's
I finally got around to finding the "lightning bolt" video. Oh my. I could keep this on in the background all day.