June 05, 2004

Is someone preparing for a trip we don't know about ... yet? Are we all deaf, dumb and blind, or just asleep? Why is this stuff on the back pages with limited notice?
  • Trust him. Because he's had such great results up until this point.
  • Granted the initial $30 billion scheme was cancelled, but the cajones displayed in proposing this kind of idea is intriguing. According to globalsecurity.org the cost to taxpayers would be more than $2 billion per year, with a total price tag of as much as $30 billion over 10 years. This leasing plan is significantly more expensive to the taxpayer than an outright purchase. CBO and OMB said they would score this lease agreement not as a lease but as a purchase, costing $22 billion. According to a December 2001 OMB estimate, the lease plan would cost $26 billion, nearly three times the cost of simply purchasing the planes.
  • Wow, rolypolyman, excellent article. Thanks.
  • The only thing I don't understand is why John Lennon and MLKJr get knocked off, but Rumsfeld and Dubya are still here!? ...never thought I would consider John McCain a personal hero...
  • McCain is the Last Honest Republican. He's doomed.
  • A friend of mine suggested that if the Republican party could convince Dubya not to run, and make McCain the nominee, McCain would win in a landslide.
  • Boeing is an important part of the Perpetual War Portfolio.
  • *cough*Linda Daschle*cough*