June 04, 2004

The Transit of Venus "We are now on the eve of the second transit of a pair, after which there will be no other till the twenty-first century of our era has dawned upon the earth, and the June flowers are blooming in 2004...What will be the state of science when the next transit season arrives God only knows."     - U.S. Naval Observatory astronomer       William Harkness, 1882

On June 8, Venus will drift across the face of the sun. It's called a transit of Venus. This very rare event (no living person has ever seen one!) lasts about 6 hours and will be visible from most of Europe, Africa and Asia. From around the world, people will watch the event. Get your lastest news and if you plan to observe the event, don't do it without taking some precautions.

  • June 8th? Isn't that when the giant space dust begins darkening our earthly skies, followed by asteroid hits or something? Did I miss a memo?
  • Just a footnote that in the U.S. this will only be visible east of the Great Plains, and it will be low on the horizon after sunrise.
  • People in certain countries are well aware of the transit of Venus. As recorded by Cook, James, RN.
  • Be fun to see live. Guess I'll have to hang around for the next one. Ia Cthulthu Fahghn! The Transit comes at last!
  • That settles it. The venereal transports in the heavens are a clear sign. Booty it shall be.
  • it was the 3rd of june when Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge.