June 04, 2004

Curious George He's without a job now. He needs to find work "for personal reasons". I was trying to figure out which corporate job George Tenet will take. Haliburton? Bechtel? head of NPR? Contest time. Lets play Tenet-O-Rama. The Monkey who correctly guesses the new job George Tenet will take in the corporate world gets a wonderful tacky thrift store gift of my choosing. Good Luck
  • I think he'll settle down to a nice professorial gig at an Ivy League school. He'll lead the occasional PhD seminar, maybe write a book or two, but will actually be a Big Name for the school and will help them acquire money from donors.
  • Professional blackjack player. If he'd gamble his money like he gambled American lives, he'd break the house constantly. /waits for black helicopters
  • Snakes Steve Jobs right out of Mike Eisner's Disney gig. Jobs devotes life to getting even.
  • He'll become a Consulting Producer on "Big Brother", and by next season, he'll star, Trump-style, on a new Reality Show titled "Spooks", in which each week, one of the contestants is exposed by a Robert Novak.
  • He'll be the next Batman.
  • wendell: There's already a show called Spooks (and very good it is, too). You'll have to find a different name.
  • Oh I get it, you meant Tenet's next PLAUSIBLE job. Then I wanna change my answer. He's going to be Head Pool Boy at Club Fed Minimum Security Spa for White Collar Criminals.
  • Uh....no, shinything, you would be thinking of Martha Stewart. Tenet will get a nice, extremely high-paying job while Martha hangs at Club Fed. Priorities, ya know.
  • Corporate job? Ha!! Ya gotta be kidding. Why would he want some lamer corporate job when he can put his hand into the taxpayer's pockets. After a short and restful vacation on a tropical isle, he'll quietly slither back. Somehow our boyo will slime his way into a cushy political appointment with no (past) dirty strings attached. Hey, when you know where ALLLLLLL the bodies are buried .... Mark my words! *GramMa winks, shakes finger.
  • On the other hand, he could be invited to join the Boards of Directors at any number of corporations - one possibilty would be CACI. If he got several, he could even make a living.
  • Board of Directors at Halliburton.
  • Pimp.
  • It's obvious he's going to put out an album.
  • He's going to stay doing what he knows how to do best: running a safe house for foreign spies.
  • Cameo in the next Cheech n Chong! (Heard it here first.)
  • I think if they did a remake of Gilligan's Island, he'd make an excellent Skipper.
  • The new Turkmenbashi.
  • New Monkeybashi. I mean, he's already a member ...
  • He will be put in charge of the Beechwood aging of Budweiser beer. Either that, or he'll become the next Ron Jeremy.
  • For some reason, I'm thinking his destiny is in Vegas... After all, the whole slogan of "what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas" will have intrinsic appeal to him.
  • He's going to be the best airport security screener on the planet.
  • He'll replace Gilbert Gottfried in those "Glad Bag" spots, mark my words...
  • Ambassador to some moderately useless (to us) country.
  • I could use someone to clean my carpets. They learn how to do that in the CIA right? I mean, piano wire can be kinda messy.