June 04, 2004

Talk About Yer Random Images! Scrapbooks. Endless Pages Stuffed With Random Imagery. Hypnotic. Pointless. Human....

I'd put this site on some Reliable Long-lasting Format, bury it in the front yard, and rest assured that I'd captured a fair slice of the scope of twentieth-century human activity, beauty, and folly.

  • Yeah, that's pretty random, all right.
  • "Random" in the old-school sense, young Master Weezel...
  • These would make great mix cd covers.
  • I've used lots for wallpapers, too. (Which reminds me: I've always wanted to know what is the difference between a Screensaver and a Wallpaper? Are Wallpapers just Screensavers without movement? Or is there something else that defines them? I've been playing fast and loose with the two terms and don't want to continue to sound like a complete trogladyte.) Please advise.
  • what id give to get a peek inside the mind of the person who came up with that...
  • rn.. i guess its Him. figures.
  • Wallpapers are the background to your screen. A nice image you can put up to prevent yourself from looking into the scarily technological innards of your monitor. Screensavers are the moving images that appear on your monitor when you don't touch your computer for five minutes or so. They used to be used to save your screen: if the same image was displayed for too long on old monitors, you'd get cathode burn, where a faint shadow of the screen that was displayed for too long appears on your monitor for ever more. Which isn't a good thing. Modern monitors can display the same image for very long periods of time without cathode burn, and most shut down to low-power mode anyway, but people still use 'em anyway.
  • Dear God, Dizzy, this is fucking marvellous. Thank you.
  • I think this may well be the greatest random image of the day.
  • On my first try, I found a great old picture of Elvis.
  • I'm wild about this one...
  • There's something frightening about that picture, Dizzy, isn't there?
  • dng- Are you kidding? A wild-eyed Aryan Mamma drunk on cooking sherry and her mongoloid offspring mesmerized by bloody innards as she takes it from Der Oven? With neighbors like that, who needs living room? If my Grandma could see this image she'd start keening like Ute Hagen in "Marathon Man"---'Szellllll!' Or: It is a lovely paradigm of all that is deep and true in this land: parental bonding, technology as savior, sel- reliance (she baked that pie outta canned cherries she put up herself), abundance, a zen-like joy in simple things... Sorry. Smells Like Teen Thesis. Vodka should slow me down a little.