June 01, 2004
Instant Viking? Monarch? Satyr?
All you need are a nekkid man and some props to "appeal to the muse". (Possibly NSFW: involves mantit, bum, and a leopard-skin wrap.)
My eyes!!! They bleed!!!
Haha. Thanks for the hearty laugh, Nostrildamus. :D
I donno, I think mantit automatically makes a link NSFW.
Interesting -- enjoyed the Viking shots, and what Brine does with some of them.
Enjoy the nightmares, Nostrildamus :P
Being able to add to the imaginative spirit makes a session very fulfilling indeed. a couple questions with potentially scary answers: Just how imaginative does this guy want to get? and Exactally WHO is being fulfilled (and in what way??) RUN! MONKEYS RUN!
Oh, this just added twelve months to my therapy. Does no one care for my mental hygiene?
I couldn't get out! I couldn't backspace! It was horrible!