May 31, 2004

Real life people with rude names. Including my favourite, Randy Bumgardner.
  • By contrast, for fake names here's a list Bart Simpson would be proud of. (Thanks to Ophelia Cumming for passing that on)
  • BTW, the Rude Name link misses Dick Assman, the Saskatchewan who rose to fame on the David Letterman show in 1996.
  • Hee. I just Googled my old fave (SFW). And now I am disturbed.
  • This thread reminds me of the Men On Film (In Living Color) Super Bowl half-time special. "Two words: Dick Butkus." Also, I once had a customer named Dennis Yeast who had me send a gift to his friend, John P. Burns. It's little coincidences like those that made working retail bearable.
  • Ages ago when I worked at Orchestra Hell, I helped two sweet elderly ladies purchase tickets for a concert. Their names were Dorothy Titt and Mae McWeeney.
  • A freinds dad was called Richard Mussel. Everyone called him Dick, though. We sniggered.
  • Huh. They left out my mate Cuntfucker Arsenipple. Useless.
  • My godfather is named Harry Prick. I kid you not.
  • I've seen some good names at work. Not so rude, but real! Curley Pigg.
  • One of my ancestors was called John Thomas. True. (and you fucked up a link again, mare - typical fuckin' dev) (joke - please don't hit me)
  • I got a real-life Gordon Bennett at my work one time. Highlight of my shift, that was.
  • My uncle's name is Richard Payne. He has never used the "nickname" of Richard, for obvious reasons. :)
  • You find it amusing I have a friend called Biggus Dickus?
  • The coach of my former softball team was named Cletus Spitznoggle. Not a rude name really, just sad.
  • @Nostrildamus: this is not my day. @self: remember to use preview and try those pesky links because metaPhilter 1.42 is ruthless. Try again: My godfather is named Harry Prick. I kid you not. Phew. That's better.
  • In my line of work (which is not telemarketing), I come across a whole lot of names, mostly of a non-English origin. Here's a couple of the more interesting names I've come across: Harry Wang (I had a hard (no pun intended) time keeping a straight face during that phone call) A man who's first name was Atul. "Are you Atul?" Dick Trainor. To do what exactly, I'm not sure. ;)
  • shawnj, my old boss was called Atul, and yes, he was. His last name was Ram.
  • When the SDP was launched in Oxford (I wasn't at the University, I worked at Nielsen's) they had big banners up announcing that the inaugural meeting would be addressed by Councillor A. Windass. Honest.
  • OK, I just immortalized Dick Assman in Wikipedia.
  • the funniest real name i've ever heard is harry rectanus.
  • Wow. They don't have Dick Hardt of Active State (who had the email [email protected]). Or Dick Pound, head of the Olympic drug testing outfit.
  • I went to Catholic school with the biggest bully in the world--Richard Lester Monsell. What are parents THINKING?? But we loved to call him Dick Les.
  • I once had an editor named Randy Johnson. I was always waiting for a sexual harassment lawsuit.
  • (or for a secretary to say "I have a Randy Johnson on the line...")
  • Let's not forget the MLB pitcher Randy Johnson, whose nickname is, of course, "The Big Unit."
  • Best Name Ever
  • There was a woman at my first real job with the last name of Weiner. She happened to fall in love with a man with the last name Wakof. Yes, the wedding announcements did indeed herald the "Weiner-Wakof Wedding". Letterman even got a hold of that one.
  • My surnames Guy, and my brother is marrying a girl whose surname is Wise this summer. Damn I want them to choose the double barrelled surname option.
  • There is a man in our city whose name is Richard Staine. He actually leaves his name in the phone book (or did the last time i looked). No, i did not make a prank call to this unfortunately named man when i was younger. I also remember when i was younger playing cricket against a man named Ramsbotton. No, my friends and I did not offend his wife (who unknown to us was the opposite teams scorer) by making repeated comments about "Rams Arse" etc. When I was even younger, there was an Indian boy in our class called Omo Daz. I shit you not.
  • dng: I'd totally love to come to your family reunion. "Have you met this Guy? How about this Guy? Hey, check out that Guy over there!" Man, I bet you've never heard that one before.
  • Actually, because my dad only has sisters, there isn't that much scope for that. My father is called Ron Guy, though.
  • As kids in Houston, we were always amused by "Ima Hogg", who was the daughter of a Texas govenor. We also enjoyed the HEB grocery store. It was founded by the Butt family, and we assured each other that the store was named after Harold "Harry" Butt. Not actually true, however. But, we told each other, what if Ima Hogg had married Harry Butt? She would have been Ima Hogg Butt.
  • I couldn't see Martin Wank, author of Sex, Freud and Folly: The Truth About Psychotherapy, on the list - recipient of some of Amazon's best reviews ("Wank has a firm grasp of his subject", and so on). Unfortunately, Amazon twigged that the reviews were, perhaps, less serious than they might have intended, and removed them... leaving only one that (they thought) was a serious review... Today, I am proud to step forward as "james, from Sudbury, UK", the author of that review.
  • My godfather is named Harry Prick. I used to work at the newspaper with a shooter named Harry Weiner. Which he insisted was of French origination and pronounced "ween-YAY." Yah right, Monsieur WEENER! I heard later from a friend that still worked there that he threw a changeup and started declaring it was of German origination and pronounced "VINE-er". But, obviously, by that time the social damage was irrevocably done.
  • Harry Glanz, Mortgage Broker.
  • I helped a friend address wedding invitations, and one was to a man named Harry Balser.