May 27, 2004
Let us celebrate our cultural diversity: the Racial Slur Database.
For those times when you're at a loss for that malicious mot juste. Were you aware that a "big nose" not only means Jew, but that it's a term Asians use for all white people? I guess we all look alike to them.
Finally, now I'll know that I'm being insulted. Though it makes me want to make up all sorts of previously-unused racial slurs and submit them to the database.
Auswitz? Is that some sort of old joke? People who can't spell Auschwitz worry me.
I call bullshit on 90% of these slurs. They were obviously made up by a bunch of loggerneckmuffins.
What I want to see is how foreign cultures imitate us. We English-speakers have seemingly patented ways of imitating Italians, Germans, Chinese, etc. One of the funniest things I've ever seen was when I asked a local I worked with in Korea to imitate American voices & mannerisms. One could do a whole database on this.
I'm going with the BS on most of these too.
Aboriginals use it to offend white australians, it means "Aboriginal Bum Cleaner" Nope. Not even close. Also, this person has a serious problem.
Sandspider, your 'nome de guerre' actually sounds like something i'd find on this list... ;p
His gnome belongs uerre?
Wolof, I'm not surprised that you're too dumb to catch naxo's reference, as we all know that YOUR kind is just a bunch of wingly-wang flapdoodle nacreators. Yeah! Take THAT!
Whitetrash Whites Lower class whites. Self-explanatory. Trash sees no colors.
Hey, if we're going to be calling names, can I join in? Naxo, you're just a plaid-wearing, spavened, roach-backed, herring-gutted, parrot-mouthed son of an X-tinct dinosaur with a pissy attitude and poor taste in earings.* Did anybody but me find this sheep thing funny haha as well as funny strange? First, there's Sheep Shagger: There's a myth that Scotsmen and/or Welsh have a thing for buggering sheep. The sheep are said to outnumber the people in both some European and Australian countries/states. On an interesting note, the first sheep was cloned in Scotland. (What the fact's up with that??) Please note the disclaimer-- There is a myth .... But no question about these-- Sheep Dip: White Ranchers that have sex with Sheep. Sheep Rooter: New Zealanders They root sheep. Sheepie: New Zealanders Well know for their habits with sheep. Clown: Not used so much as a racial slur, however, the classic clown is based on a stereotyped image of Irish people: bushy red hair, a large red nose (from excessive drinking), and colorful clothes often with plaids, and often with a great many patches to represent that the Irish were poor and could not buy themselves new clothes. With excessive plaid is a Scottish variation. Excessive plaid is a no-no in ANY nationality! And I never REALIZED clowns were Irish. Clowns frighten me. Guffie: North East (aberdeenshire) based on the irritating "guffaw" stereotypical laugh of the English Hunting and fishing set, who are complete tossers in any case. Note to the site constructor: We all have our own set of likes and dislikes. And as a former FishEater, this one's my all time favorite: FishEater: Catholic, after the old Catholic tradition of not eating red-meat on Fridays. Eating fish containing high levels of mercury and other heavy metals was a way of atoning for their sins. The practice was discontinued after the Pope noticed the number of Catholics mysteriously declining. Blame it on heavy metals.
*Naxosaxur: We kid because we love. You're my favorite Monkey with two Xs in his name.
Those two you refer to about NZers, BlueHorse, I've never heard before. "Sheep shaggers" is the most common epithet, and statements as to the ownership of a pair of velcro gloves, but a sheep rooter just sounds like a multi-purpose farm tool.
Why do x screw goats and y screw sheep? y never get so drunk they need handlebars. x,y == any two english speaking island countries close enough to have a disdain for each other. And there has been an awful lot of scary clown talk around here lately.
See, my understanding of "sheep dip" is that it was a code word for scotch -- I'm a Yank and got this from a liquor store owner, so it could be poo, but according to him, there was a period where scotch distillation was outlawed by the English government, so "sheep dip" became slang for Scottish moonshine. "Honey, I'm going to go check on the sheep dip" meant "honey, I'm going to go get some hooch." Any of you Brits able to confirm or deny this? It's a pretty good story, and I'm curious about its veracity.
All this slanderous talk of sheep reminds me- I live near Montana (near, I said, not in!!) and the joke around these parts goes like this: What time is it in Montana when a sheep gets caught in a fence? Mountin' Time! Oh, my, that wasn't very good after all. Sorry.
BTW, asked several Japanese and Chinese people today about "big nose" and Caucasians. Not empirical evidence or anything, but none had ever heard of it.
I have had little japanese kids make fun of my round-eye, but dont know much in the way of slurs like that.
Very specific version of the sheep joke, that's slung between residents of Redruth and Cambourne in Cornwall, about each other. "What's the definition of a leisure centre in Redruth?" "A sheep tied to a lamp post." Can I just say - you're all naught but a bunch of fornicating, slab-sided, Dutch-built buggers. Thankyou.
I'm Chinese, and as far I recall, we don't really talk much about Caucasians having big noses. The Northern Chinese have pretty big noses themselves. The two most common terms we use for Caucasians are either "Foreign ghosts" (not really Devils, as some texts might translate. The second word is definitely the word for "ghost", not "demon" or "devil") or "Red-haired people". The first term is somewhat pejorative, but not the second (as far as I can tell). Why red hair? I think that brown and blonde haired people were known to the Chinese, as some Aryan Indians may have travelled to China, but red hair was probably something entirely new.
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That's an interesting one, Pez. Who are the butt of these jokes for different cultures? For the above, for me, it would be an Irishman. Sad but true.
How to unify the world?? A conundrum. "Hey, look at the SPACE NIGGERS." Arrrrrrrggghhhhha!
BlueHorse, if you read comic books, you should lay your hooves on a collection of the early issues of PREACHER. There's a great redneck sheriff character who's always running on about Area 51 being full of "Martian niggers." And, yeah, he gets his in the end, in a really satisfying way.
Well I heard it from Montanaians originally, so it was North Dakotaians. Being an Idahoian, it's now Montanaians.