May 25, 2004

The Colorquiz A small cgi script that will stare deep into your soul.
  • Well, it's staring is making me feel uncomfortable... Your Existing Situation: Needs peace and quiet. Desires a close and faithful partner from whom to demand special consideration and unquestioning affection. If these requirements are not met, is liable to turn away and withdraw altogether. /fidgets nervously
  • I actually had this in book form back in the early 80s. Came with little cards and very detailed instructions for interpretation. I always found it quite accurate, no matter to whom I administered it. (Note: I am not a licensed psychiatrist, but I expect that will change once the appeal goes through.)
  • Took the test, with results that were impressively wrong. Three-hundred-and-sixty-degrees, pea-soup-vomiting, newspaper-astrology-column wrong.
  • Wow it is like the Myers-Briggs (or astrology for that matter), but in technicolor. I like line that tells you should expect your "reading" change and to try again later. "The results will not be the same each time you take the test, for the most part, unless you are taking them without some time interval between them." I took the test multiple times at first trying to do what they said and each time with little, if any, time interval between them and each time was completely different. Then, I tried using repeating the test by preselecting positional patterns and using those, and I was getting the same answers. Boy, I did not know how screwed up I really am, I am going to need book lots of long, expensive counseling sessions. Wait, maybe that is the whole point of this pseudo-science. Humans desire to see patterns even when the patterns are not there. It is a strength and a weakness of how our brains work. What scares me is that people are making decisions about peoples' futures with this.
  • I found this seemed fairly accurate, but no more so than astrology, which gives me pause. Also, it states clearly on one of the pages that the test may be measuring your ongoing issues, or may just be measuring your current mood, so its a little scary that job interviewers use it-- should one's job prospects really be determined by one's mood during the job interview? And finally, why so negative? My own profile was pretty unflattering-- insecure, egotistical, unhappy-- so I went back and tried the test a bunch of different ways, and they were all pretty negative. Are there no happy people out there according to this test?
  • You damn link stealer :) But yeah, it's the "Free five minute personality test" which, from my experience I am taking to mean 5 minutes of load time between each page, 'cuz, yeah, damn that site is slow. Moe: I just bought this from the Navy. It can flash fry a buffalo in 40 seconds. Homer: 40 seconds?! Aw, but I want it now
  • Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity, but tries to avoid conflict. does that mean i try to avoid conflict within my emotionally involved sexual satisfaction? *ponders*
  • A pseudo-scientific version of a fortune cookie.
  • Monkeyfilter: Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
  • Outraged by the thought that [I] will be unable to achieve his goals and distressed at the feeling of helplessness to remedy this ... Over-extended and feels beset, possibly to the point of nervous prostration ... Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense ... Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation ... A feeling of powerlessness subjects [me] to agitation and acute distress. 9/10 - it forgot to add that I am a complete fuckwit. Other than that, not bad!
  • I've actually found a lot of value in the Myers-Briggs and Ennegram tests, if nothing else for a perspective change. I've also found value in astrology and tarot cards depending on the context for the same reason. That said, this test was annoying hooey. Not that I was expecting anything else :)
  • I'll also give 9/10, although I can't help feeling that randomly selecting would have been about as accurate...
  • 30-40% correct. About as accurate as a wild guess.
  • Kimberly's right on about Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram. I waffle about astrology and tarot. And I also found this test to be annoying hooey, but maybe that's just because I don't want to hear about my fears and insecurities.
  • mmmmm, waffle.
  • That waffle has subjected me to agitation and acute distress, much like a feeling of powerlessness, only with more rich, sugary toppings.
  • He attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as he desires them to be. Ladies and gentlemonkeys, I give you: MonkeyFilter. Seriously, I don't put much stock in these tests, but this one happened to hit the bullseye. Unnerving as poo on a waffle.
  • Hmmm. I found the results to be eerily accurate and thus I shan't be sharing them. I attribute this to coincidence.
  • Kids were giving this test when I was in high school, back before the Punic Wars. Funny how things keep coming back each generation. The book tells of a much more exhaustive test, involving hundreds of colors in multiple sessions, but I've never heard of anyone taking it. "Wants freedom to follow his own convictions and principles, to achieve respect as an individual in his own right." "Seeks an affectionate relationship, offering fulfillment and happiness." "Wants to be valued and respected" My results seem rather generic. Is there anyone here for whom these statements do not apply?
  • i do not want to be valued and respected. i want to be demeaned and humiliated. in bed, at least.
  • Comparing this load of old trott to Myers-Briggs is like comparing kindergarten to University. pretty similar then, IIRC.
  • *Sidles up to SideDish*
  • *Shoves boo out of the way, tips hat*
  • Mine was actually kinda positive: "Authoritative or in a position of authority, but liable to feel that further progress is rendered problematical by existing difficulties. Perseveres despite opposition." I also remember taking this back in the 70s. What struck me then was that the colors were all really muddy, so I wound up picking the ones which were closest to an unmuddied version rather than which colors I really liked.
  • I found it remarkably accurate, but when I look back over the results, many of them would apply to practically anybody. Enough hooey, too, to make it seem likely that it was random. Accurate: Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises. Way off: Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
  • I found it remarkably accurate, but when I look back over the results, many of them would apply to practically anybody. Enough hooey, too, to make it seem likely that it was random. Accurate: Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises. Way off: Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
  • I found it remarkably accurate, but when I look back over the results, many of them would apply to practically anybody. Enough hooey, too, to make it seem likely that it was random. Accurate: Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises. Way off: Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
  • I found it remarkably accurate, but when I look back over the results, many of them would apply to practically anybody. Enough hooey, too, to make it seem likely that it was random. Accurate: Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises. Way off: Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
  • I agree with the exppii triplets.
  • myers briggs was far more accurate than this for. Quite simply I don't fit very well into any other personality types other than ENTP. I took the mbti on a lark, and expected it to be pure quackery. I was amazed.
  • I found Myers Briggs to be mostly directed at management styles and kind of boring. One I liked better was (I think) since it looked at how various elements of personality styles within an individual interact. The Amazon link is to the new version, which I haven't tried, but the older one did seem to capture my outstandingly eccentric tendencies. And, the best thing about it was that it reminded me that I'd changed over the years. Maybe think about how I'd been less Solitary, and why I had changed. And how I could change if I wanted to. It maybe penny psychology, but it did make me think about options.
  • *Agrees with SideDish, wanders off to find man*
  • Entire result: Working to create for himself a firm foundation on which to erect a secure, comfortable and problem-free future, in which he will be granted respect and recognition. This is news to me, frankly.
  • What is also especially distinctive is his desire and willingness to go out of his way to be unmerciful and inhumane in his violence. More than any other personality, he derives deep satisfaction in creating suffering and in seeing its effect on others. His mean-spirited disposition leads him to abandon universally held constraints that limit the viciousness and brutality of one
  • I like chicken.
  • Hmm, it got me completely, which is unusual (i have taken this before, also). Though, in recognizing that, why do I need a cheap script to tell me that I am generally miserable, hold unrealistically high standards for myself and others, am emotionally withdrawn, terrified of relationships and have a hard time pursuing things because I feel mentally stuck and view everything as being ultimately pointless. I tell myself that stuff all the time. I guess it was ok for a reminder, though.
  • ...fears being passed over or losing standings and prestige I'll be sure to bring this up in my interview for promotion tomorrow...
  • "Please give me this job. If you don't, that'd be really mean and would probably have a long-lasting effect on my self-esteem."