May 20, 2004 The official website of the funniest man alive. I got the link from the DVD of his short-run tv show, "The Richard Pryor Show" (advertised on the site as "one of the funniest tv programs ever" -- sadly, it's not even close, but it has its moments). Multiple Sclerosis has taken him from the spotlight, but in the man's own words, "I Ain't Dead Yet, M*therF@ck%r!"
  • Wait, why did the word 'mother' need to be censored?
  • this is entirely off topic here, but in reading through the website i find it odd that the article about pryor's history ends with a hope that we'll find a cure for MS, when a paragraph a bit above that goes into detail about how opposed pryor is to animal research to cure MS or anything else. sad but true - you can't cure a disease without doing experiments to see both what causes it and what methods might reverse or stop the progression of the disease. to understand the degeneration of nerve tissue you need to study nerves that are functionally connected - this isn't something you can cure by looking at a cell line in a dish. i'm not sure why people don't get this. putting his money into stopping animal research might be ethical (i guess, depending on your point of view - i for one feel that there really is such a thing as ethical animal research) but it's also not going to help him get better. so the hope at the end becomes idle. given his strong convictions, i sort of wonder what he'd do if they found a cure, but it was found using animal research. would he accept the cure, or reject it because of how it was found?
  • caution: live frog testing /nothingtoaddfilter