May 19, 2004

Shake that ass and let me see what you got
Seems like a natural for BLORT if you ask me. This one's all about the Machine Man cameo.
  • oh, er, somewhat nsfw audio. sorry about that.
  • Kirbylicious!
  • This guy really shakes it (possibly NSFW.)
  • Hommy-- Go wash your modem out with soap and straight to bed, Mister!!!
  • What was with the black Peanutes characters? That was odd.
  • MY BRAYNE!!!!!!
  • I really want to be a non-uptight person, but wow. Out of curiosity, are there really women out there who like being called "bitch" and "ho"? That being said, homunculus' link cracked me up. Guess I'm a hypocrite.
  • Seems like a natural for BLORT indeed!
  • My master plan is proceeding according to schedule! Eeeeeeexcellent.
  • shinything, I personally LOVE being called "bitch" & "ho" but only whilst my husband makes gentle love to me, pulling my hair & slapping me repeatedly in the face....ooohhh!! mmmm!!! peanutbutterjellywithabaseballbat!
  • Hmmm, Medusa that peanutbutterjellywithabaseballbat thing sounds intriguing. Does it come (heh) with a grope suit?
  • The joy of the Internet really is that it plugs holes in life you didn't know existed until they've been filled: to whit, Machine Man cameos in eccentric Flash music videos. [looks wistfully at the majestic skyline] [On a painting in his office]
  • *raises hand as woman who definitely does not appreciate the "bitch" and "ho" factor*
  • Kimberly, my hand is up, too.
  • *joins Kimberly & path* But with the sound off it's amusing in a random 'buh?' kind of way.
  • Shit Bitch bears for everybody! Nobody but my cellmate calls me bitch.
  • DAMN! I so want a Shit Bitch Bear!!!
  • goetter totally wins!