May 09, 2004

Jesus H. Curious! Curious George: Can you come up with something funnier and mo'better?

(this one's for you, Nostrildamus, because you made me laugh)

  • Jesus H. on a pogo stick! Can't this guy come up with funny not foul?
  • I've always been partial to Jesus H. Christ and his Mariachi Band.
  • Thankee.
  • Sweet Zombie Jesus! It has all the things neccesary for a good exclamation. Almost a little story. For 2000 years they've been eating His flesh. Now it's His turn.
  • Jesus, if you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough Christ.
  • Always amused me that "Jesus" is a personal name in Latin-speaking countries, but it's pronounced as "Hey Zeus".
  • One day many years ago when I was working for a dreadful place that processed credit applications, I received an app from a Herman Christ. It was thrilling to finally learn what the H. in Jesus H. Christ stood for. And then there's always Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket.
  • Jesus is coming ... spit or swallow?
  • Jesus is coming (look busy) Christ on a bike!
  • Jesus is coming ... and boy is he PISSED!
  • i was always fond of "Jesus H. Christ on a rubber crutch!" and if you're feeling particularly colorful, you can add an f-bomb or two to liven it up a little. ps: the "H" stands for "Harold". as in, "hark, it's Harold!" angels sing..."
  • "Jesus H. Christ on a pony!" usually makes me giggle. Straight Dope on the H in Jesus H. Christ.
  • Caution, you're right about his second name being Harold. You know he was named after his daddy... "Our father, who art in heaven, Harold be thy name..."
  • ramix: Lap!
  • Jaysus cross-dressing Christ! You guys are good*. What I like is that you can just keep on with it: Sweet Zombie Jesus Harold and his Mariachi band on a pony with a rubber crutch. *yer all goin' ta hell anyway.
  • "Jesus H. Christ in Hell" is usually good for a few gasps.
  • Jeezy Creezy, anyone? And also, Jesus H. Particular Christ. There's a variant with Jesus H. somethingican'tremember III, Esq. but it's too long to remember properly. And last but not least, Christ in a sidecar usually gives me the giggiles.
  • You might not, but I think all these go up or two a notch when you substitute Judas H. Priest for Jesus H. Christ.
  • First google hit for "Jesus Christ on a bicycle" is something to consider.
  • If Jesus is coming I plan to be well armed with a nail gun ...