May 07, 2004

Did you see the gorilla? [Via Crooked Timber.]
  • Ooo! Ooo! I SAW it! Me special! Now, the question is, did you see the banana?
  • [......]
  • Hey this study is great, next time when a pretty girl forgets my name or ignores me the next day after we meet, I can blame it on...... wait what was the study called again?
  • It's easier to spot the gorilla when it's handing out petitions.
  • "I see", said the blind man.
  • omg why did you mention the gorilla, homunculus? you defeated the whole point of that video!
  • but how many gorilla's did you see in total?
  • There is no spoon gorilla.
  • i remember seeing this somewhere... but wait where?
  • 20/20 or 60 Minutes or something.
  • I remember seeing a similar experiment in Discovering Psychology
  • All videos on this website are copyrighted by Daniel J. Simons and are provided solely so that individuals can view the examples. To play these movies, you must have scripting active in your browser and you must have QuickTime installed. something about this makes me want to not like this "Daniel J. Simons". I may or may not have scripting active in my browser Daniel J. Simons!! You're not the boss of me! I'll do what I want! That's right, step up! Punk @$% Daneil J. Simons!