May 06, 2004

A chart showing the comparative prives of various LIQUIDS. Did you know scorpion venom costs nearly $39 million dollars by the gallon. I didn't. I also don't know why this interests me.
  • Can I just point out how sexy that girl is? Thanks. Interesting link, too. Someday I'm going to own a gallon of scorpion venom. Some day.
  • Heh. Evian water costs more than wine...and gasoline!
  • Scorpion Ranching For Fun And Profit.
  • Can I tell a gross story about scorpions here? I can? Awesome! I was in Mexico hanging out with a friend in his massive family house in the country. There were many open doors and we had to keep an eye out for scorpions. Over a couple of weeks we saw and killed two or three and as we cowered in fear (They usually, he said, travel in pairs so we'd spend half an hour searching for the other one) he told me this story: When he was a baby his parents took him on a vacation somewhere that was scorpion country. During the day things were okay, you'd see one or two and kill them. But as it grew darker the scorpions became brave. His parents placed mosquito netting over the bed and submerged the four bed legs in buckets of water (to drown the scorpions trying to climb up). My friend says he remembers dozens of the things jumping down from the roof and crawling around on the netting and seeing the buckets full of drowning scorpions in the morning, but I think he was 2 or three, so he's probably full of shit. None the less, scorions are freaky and I won't come visit your scorpion ranch, the_leviathan. Though perhaps you should speak to squidranch for some tips.
  • I take her point, really I do, but I LAUGH at her $1.38 a gallon. I point and laugh. (I'm in the land of $2.24 for the bargain basement gas.)
  • Oh. Last updated in 2002.
  • I think the price of scorpion venom has scyrocketed as well.
  • I laughed, but I also learned.
  • I don't know about the rest of you, but I am now looking for a Folger's conversion kit for my Camry.
  • haaaa!
  • Dear God; I've been good all my life. Can I have one favor. From Cockeyeds staff A Jennifer-Ambur evening of debauchery. Thanks Ron
  • I wish I could get LSD for that price. I think some of their estimates are off. Interesting list, nontheless.
  • What's the going rate for cockpunch?
  • al this does is confirm my hypothesis that the world would be a better place if it were fueled by coffee.
  • speaking of which, anyone want to join me in an invasion of sumatra?
  • Hey -- they have cock soup!
  • My questions is where did she get the big bag of human blood for the photo?
  • If saffron were liquid, I wonder how much that would go for. And, shotsy, that is a ridiculous amount of cute girls in one spot! I hate them all!