May 06, 2004

The Department Of Hair Plugs: Matthew McConaughey Needling The Pretty Since 1998!
  • Bald, plugged, whatever. He can get naked and play my bongos anytime. But seriously, I wish men didn't worry so much about their hairlines. Embrace the advancing forehead...there are plenty of women who love the bald look.
  • Embrace the advancing forehead Done! Hellooooo, eternalfool. How you doin', sweetangel?
  • Embrace the advancing forehead Listen, my forehead is now behind my ears. Sometimes I just want to get a head shaver and go all Yul Bryner. But at my age, I fear I'd look less like a hip Gen X'er and more like a chemotherapy patient. *sigh*
  • Hey Slithy_Tove, it is never to late to get all chromed out. I've been doing it for years now, so much that I am not only a customer of Gillette I'm a partial owner! Plugs are for fools, razors are for real men!
  • I too have been considering the full cueball. the missus seems amenable, and I've had people tell me they think it'd look good, despite my fairly denty melon. DrMoxie, tell us - what was the reaction from people when you first did it? Is it difficult to maintain? (although my front yard is bare, the backyard still has substantial foilage, so to keep it shaved would require regular burnishing). Do women seem to like it? Do you find you bump it more often on cabinet doors and whatnot? Razor or electric? Is sunburn an issue? Inquiring grapeheads want to know!
  • Fes- Reaction = Overwhelmingly positive Took a little getting used to for family and friends but most think it is great, easier to spot me in the crowds, "Wait! There's Moxie, glinting in the sun!" Maintenance = Every other day To keep it clean I razor it every other day using a Schick Extreme III and Skintimates gel. I find that ladies shaving gels and creams result in less cuts and burns (plus they smell pretty!). Boot Knocking = Substantial Met my wife as a chrome dome 8 years ago.
  • Excellent! Thanks much, Doc. I may do this.
  • Fes - go for it! If you're nervous about it, you could go progressively shorter at each trip to the barbershop. Do try to rub down your head with sunscreen or wear a hat when you're outside. The bonus is that when someone's about to take a picture, you get to make jokes about fixing your hair, and everyone laughs.
  • Yep... count me in as a shaved head lover. Doesn't have to be all shiny, just buzzed to the lowest level possible with hair trimmers. Especially for the guys who have less traditional patterns of baldness, this is the way to go. A shaved head is just so touchable and kissable and... Umm... yeah, I think I've said enough.
  • *raises one eyebrow in spocklike fashion*
  • kimdog's right. Bald (or extremely short hair) looks so touchable. I was running my hands over my friend's very fuzzy short hair all the time when he last visited. Very fun for both sides.
  • Do it Fes. I did, a few months ago. It was very... liberating. As dumb as it sounds, once you shave your head, you'll stop worrying about going bald. Also, as Mickey hinted at: the bald jokes (when directed at you) will suddenly lose all of their sting, and it can be funny again for you and everyone else to joke about.
  • Fes, if you can work the Spock eyebrow, I say you can *totally* work the chrome dome. I say, go for it. ;) perhaps I've said too much...