December 08, 2003

Cap'n Crunch A fascinating (for me at least) story of one of the oldskool phreaker/hacker legends.
  • Bright... colors... hurting... eyes...
  • I've met Captain Crunch in person on a couple occasions. An "interesting character" to say the least.
  • Yeah, the html is oldskool too...Guess we should just be happy he avoided blink and marquee.
  • Ah, phone hackers. As a kid I heard there were ways to make free phone calls. And after reading that story, it's as clear as mud. Woz (Steve Wozniak) got a little greedy and made enough of them to sell for enough money for school, and to fund his computer project which eventually became he Apple I. Wow. That's quite a claim. I wonder what Steve thinks of this story?
  • I remember the Esquire article from the 70's. Since I'm a non-techie, the details didn't much interest me, but the images of surfing the phone net were entrancing. As I recall, a call would go from local to some exotic place like Duluth, to Marynmar to...wherever. It seemed like exploring outer space, but it was in our atmosphere, and our space. Calls would go from from node to node, and they were all free. I'm not one who likes "stealing" from a business but the oral images of the trip were completely wonderful.
  • I once called Cap'n Crunch on a 976 number when I was like 6 or something. I didn't win, though.
  • The only Cap'n Crunch Conspiracy I know of involved some college freshmen papering their room with Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch boxes, thereby depleting nearby stores disproportionately of the coveted breakfast cereal.
  • Did you subscribe to 2600?