April 30, 2004
When questioned about what religious or nonreligious group doesn
You're being too harsh. He's not blaming atheists, he's just saying that a lot of americans are very suspicious of atheists, which is unfortunate, but is not news. There are just a lot of Christians living in certain parts of the country where it's distinctly unfashionable to be an atheist. So anyone who is keeps quiet, and these good Christians are left thinking that they don't know any atheists, and only hear about them during some controversy about the Pledge of Allegiance or the like, and come to the conclusions that they're all militants out to destroy their way of life. I say meh. If you're concerned, I dunno, join an advocacy organization. Get involved in your community (if you do live in such an area). Not much else to be done.
I hear you, exppii, but that entire article rubbed me the wrong way. They're pushing data, but I don't much of a point being made.
The article starts out with White Americans think racial discrimination is increasing although black Americans think it’s decreasing but then goes to on to say Because whites are isolated and mingle with only people of their race, Tranby said, they do not understand the challenges people of other races face. huh? Both of those statements (and the rest of the article) are oversimplifications about a subject that is necessarily complex and highly nuanced.